still no1 reffered to cheat-like insta-death real time merc traps on desert.
You should be unable to leave them on any map other than a base/tent/house, so while they can still do it, they will at least need to be online to do it. Not sure if thats implemented at the moment, though it may be.
mercs gona be expensive, etc this is absolutely not an argument, u need to understand that players always gona use every advantage no matter the costs
The more something costs, the fewer times you are going to be able to afford losing things over and over again.
If it cost $10,000 to suicide with 4 mutants off a level 1 char, then you reduce the problem if it costs $100,000 each time, there is a max of 3 of them and it requires a level 10+ char to do it.
I could easily make caps so rare that you would be unable to afford mercs, so the argument that big gangs will always be able to afford them isn't true.
So someone will just grind and grind moar. Rascal nailed every point possible , y no listen.
I have no problem with them being able to jump onto the map and use Mutants.
I had a problem with
1) Being able to do that with new chars
2) Being able to jump away, so there was almost no risk
3) The max potential group being too powerful (for Mutants)
Those things are fixed.
If someone really wants to grind away for hours to be able to afford to jump in with 3 mutants, which are actually risked because they can't jump away, then fine.
Given that none of you has played the system, or tried how the economy will work, then I don't think its really the time to change anything. Try it, feedback, then valid concerns will be amended.
if early then level 9 or 10 and low level merc leader char is ready.
Sure, but level 9 or 10 is a bigger investment than level 1. If they are banned which is more annoying to lose?

The most important is to make a character able to deploy merceneries , players are using it as an airstrike via dual-logs
Outside of the dual log being the real problem. I think we should be putting in a delay for the mercs reaction time, so they don't work like an airstrike so much.