Other > Faction Announcements

All New players, Crafters, Mad Max wanabees!!!

<< < (2/5) > >>

Iam in the barbarian timezone (UTC +1)

but but.. argh whatever.
I just let everyone die :)

You've got my support.

Sounds good to me. This community would be wise to focus on "player retention" for a few years maybe, to get the player base up up up. Your idea sounds good - help newer players get started.

Oh and watch out for Mad Max 4! Here comes Fury Road!

I'm all for these types of factions,Good luck Tomowolf! I think next wipe well be very fun and challenging for PvE players and role players.

Yeah it seems most of the factions that do hardcore recruiting is for people who need numbers for PvP and town control.

I think its best said that there is 2 games going on there is a PvP game and a PvE game.

@Marko trust me when wipe comes the server is going to be flooded with people. A lot of people are waiting for wipe. It has nothing to do with how people treat each other most of the random crap that goes on are personal conflicts which results to base raping and pking. Then theres PvPers calling each other names. Most of the behavior is common on the internet.

2 men enter 1 man rage quits.


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