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All New players, Crafters, Mad Max wanabees!!!
I like PVE and crafting.
25yrs, Welsh, GMT/BST
I would still class myself as a Newb.
--- Quote from: ThePhoenix77 on December 26, 2011, 11:25:42 am ---I like PVE and crafting.
25yrs, Welsh, GMT/BST
I would still class myself as a Newb.
--- End quote ---
I well put good word in for Pheonix77, I helped him get started when I first started playing and he is a good trustworthy guy I have shared a base with him before he does not steal anything.
Just give your charcter name - We can meet in popular from trolls NCR city - my nickname is Dr WiesiekSG. Me nad my friend can help you understanding the game or just give a hand in hunt or so.
Well I am a faction leader with a small faction, most are waiting for wipe now :( We have bunker and outpost, we have been learning and discovering the game together.
Currently I have access to SG 3, BG 3, Demo 2, Doc 3, Arm 3 as I have been trying to discover what suits me best, haven't tried EW 3 yet.
Unfortunately I'm having P.C problems at moment so I'm not getting on much - should be getting a new tower "Soon"
I would definitely be interested in something like this, seeming as I am new.
I guess I just like roleplaying and PvE, crafting is a little bit too dull for me though. Maybe some classic PvP gang wars or something would be nice, but I kinda wanna stay away from TC :-\
I live on America's east coast, (EST). Age is not really an issue considering I'm mature enough to function properly on the internet without sounding like (loll i want 2 jon factin so i can get lotz o itanz xDDDDDDDD). But if you must know, I'm 14 years of age.
I will be be operating mostly during the night in my part of the world, and during the day if I can get out of RL and classes for a few. I can get on almost when ever during the weekends though, if needed.
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