Well... I killed Res, Specialist, Dual, Hooh, Hooah, Made in china..... I killed him with mercs, without mercs, i even killed him with my BH Speecher one time with minigun (char is banned now, have 300 speech + 130BG, near 200HP without BRD/toughness). Res is one of those guys, who will make 100500 videos, in which he dies, but show only one, in which he wins. So.... Fight was wery interesting, but we was waiting for rogues with mercs, rushing us, not for rambo. If we will know, that he came, maybe one of us logon on crippler char and 1 shoot will be deadlike for Res. And we dont use proxis in this fight, like he is. We usually do pure fights (maybe slaves
but it was no slaves that time). Even no checkers. I think, that if you know, where enemy is and how he equipped - its almost 75% of succsess. Good luck in Ramboing, Res, we alredy knew, what do with you
P.S. Almost forget to say. BHH are mostly roleplayers. We doing TC just for fun in other places. And BH is priority aim for us - are we equipped, or not, if we have 3 pple - we will start TC, and nevermind of quantity of enemies and our equipment. So half of us are no fighters and some of us have ping more than 1-2k. And we are one of those orgs, who invite childrens (when we was with Rogues, i remember, they have 100% 20+ years old guys). So, repeating my own words: "Dont be proud of killing BHH member. Just watch your back. Another one stay behind you".