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Free Skins For All!

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I would just like to thank Izual for making a give away session for players who live in a non-european timezone, gives us a chance to participate and saves us sleepless nights.

3 questions on -> Dwarf:

- what weapons can he use (hope for heavy weapons) ?
- what is his speed (hopefully normal) ?
- can he wear armors (even if it doesn't change the outlook)?


--- Quote from: Dormak on December 21, 2011, 01:53:42 pm ---3 questions on -> Dwarf:

- what weapons can he use (hope for heavy weapons) ?
- what is his speed (hopefully normal) ?
- can he wear armors (even if it doesn't change the outlook)?

--- End quote ---
Dwarf can use grenades and smgs. He's slow, may be a bit faster than ghoul, and can't run. Probably can't wear armor (if homesteaders/kids/dogs/etc can't wear armor, then dwarf can't too, as he's not generic skin).

Will there be choice of race after wipe?


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