Other > Gang Issues
Dequ´s Fonline Videos
--- Quote from: Rascal_ on December 21, 2011, 12:01:30 pm ---Sneaky advetures are awesome ! :F
Maybe start making em from town control too ? :P
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Going to be pretty hard because he's going to be shot.
Some players have already agreed not to shoot him if he is unarmed such as the action with bbs and grims in Reno. BBS allowed him to run with them and record giving him better angles which is nice.
--- Quote from: Dequ on December 20, 2011, 05:21:52 pm ---http://www.youtube.com/user/Dequz?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/4AFGw5lo5X0
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Ahh so that happened before we came i was curious all the time , well you sure have earned a name - ladywiener gang. :)
btw nice slaughter
--- Quote from: Rascal_ on December 21, 2011, 12:01:30 pm ---Sneaky advetures are awesome ! :F
Maybe start making em from town control too ? :P
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I could try to record some TCs, but most likely i just get shot on sight by other sneakers. They just doing their job.
am sure as long as you give other factions a heads up your recording battles and promise not to tell locations of people and stuff like that. no one will mind you running around.
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