Other > Winter 2011/2012
Armor Class
Oh yeah right... i forgot it's way more easier to dodge attacks when you run contrary to when you stand and expect blows and shots...
--- Quote from: Wallace on December 20, 2011, 06:15:41 pm ---Oh yeah right... i forgot it's way more easier to dodge attacks when you run contrary to when you stand and expect blows and shots...
--- End quote ---
If that's irony you're retarded. Do you really think someone standing will dodge a bullet?
From my experience most retarded people call others as such...
As for AC - you may be right if you're talking about one shot but it's be easier to dodge greater amount bullets from burst when standing rather than running... (see those chains or bullets hitting ground/walls/surroundings?)
But in case of HtH fighters - you can avoid attack when you are ready for it... not when you cannot do shit about incomming blow...
Don't talk nonsense. You're never dodging something on purpose, its just harder to hit a moving target
--- Quote ---From my experience most retarded people call others as such...
--- End quote ---
Ok, I admit that was rude, but seriously, matrix doesn't work IRL. A bullet goes far too fast to be dodged. As Solar said, it's simply harder to hit a moving target, especially if it move fast/erratically (therefore malus for armor and bonus for perks).
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