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Author Topic: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...  (Read 1738 times)


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Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« on: December 18, 2011, 12:28:44 am »

I write some good info on holotapes and upload them to my Pip-Boy Archives. Then i get that info quickly in-game without having to go to the wiki or other place. But...i suggest we have a way to beam that info to other players who are standing close enough, rather than have to hand them a tape.

If someone tries to beam info to you, you get a prompt (only if you have it enabled) you can accept or reject their info.

Of course, this leads to being able to update edited records, but yeah, that's what i'm thinkin'.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.


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Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2011, 04:53:49 am »

I believe something similar was already suggested, unless it involved something else.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 04:58:27 am »

I am against such feature. However, I'd like to be able to give information from your Pip-Boy to other characters through holotapes (pretty underused).

Right now information can only travel from a holotape to a character's Pip-Boy. I suggest making it possible to load info from the Pip-Boy to a blank holotape as well.
Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2011, 05:11:16 am »

I am against such feature. However, I'd like to be able to give information from your Pip-Boy to other characters through holotapes (pretty underused).

Right now information can only travel from a holotape to a character's Pip-Boy. I suggest making it possible to load info from the Pip-Boy to a blank holotape as well.
That doesn't seem very useful.


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Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2011, 06:05:08 am »

"Not useful" in 2238 usually means "not useful for powerbuild faction PvP", which is probably a reason why many things are not worked on.

My suggestion would make it easier to share information with other characters (which is the OP's idea) while at the same time give holotapes another function.

Would make it easier to do stuff through ingame systems and not through outside programs, say Mumble or IRC, which by the way are not used by all players. But hey, only hardcore PvPer's count, right?  ::)


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Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2011, 01:38:24 pm »

There is also different players than PvP players (I'm just PK we all know that, but..)
Some peoples like roleplaying on this server and PVE with friends, most of peoples are on PvP so yeah it can sound little useless for them, but not those other guys.


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Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2011, 03:19:16 pm »

It sounds like nobody is actually against my idea since my idea is good way to "share information". So when you say you don't like the idea, maybe explain why, because you then proceed to share a way to share info which is the purpose of my idea in the first place.

So repeating for clarity: use holotapes to upload info to your PBA, then easily pass that info directly to other players without having to copy tapes over and over (unless you want to).

Downloading info to a tape is also a good idea though. I say yes to that, though it's not nearly as valuable if you keep taped info in a txt file in "My Documents". Tape info can be copied to a blank tape easily already this way.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.


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Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2011, 05:24:20 pm »

There is also different players than PvP players (I'm just PK we all know that, but..)
Some peoples like roleplaying on this server and PVE with friends, most of peoples are on PvP so yeah it can sound little useless for them, but not those other guys.

That was my point, yeah.

It sounds like nobody is actually against my idea since my idea is good way to "share information". So when you say you don't like the idea, maybe explain why, because you then proceed to share a way to share info which is the purpose of my idea in the first place.

So repeating for clarity: use holotapes to upload info to your PBA, then easily pass that info directly to other players without having to copy tapes over and over (unless you want to).

I do like the idea, I just think it'd be good to add the step of downloading info from Pip-Boy to holotape, instead of being able to send info from Pip-Boy to Pip-Boy.

Tape info can be copied to a blank tape easily already this way.

Wait, what do you mean? Is it already possible to download info from your Pip-Boy "Archives" to a holotape or did you just mean copypasting data from notepad to holotape?


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Re: Beam Pip-Boy Info to others...
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2011, 07:41:50 pm »

I mean copy/pasting from a text file (created in Notepad for example) to a holotape. The tapes hold 2000 characters and the edit window does not allow you to see most of it. So for a full tape, you cannot really see what you're typing in-game. Instead, we have to write a tape outside of the game, and paste the info into a tape. Also the width limit in the Pip-Boy Archives screen is apparently about 55 characters, so if you want to write a tape that lists thing neatly, the info needs to be edited to 55 chars per line or else it looks messy. Here's an example; this tape contains all of the vehicle info along with the train schedule. Get a blank tape in-game, copy this below (in purple) and paste it:

FOnline 2238 - Transportation Info

All prices vary. Your vehicle (and trunk) is accessed with a unique key unless lockpicked. Spare keys cost 1000 caps each from T-Ray. The Rot Gut engine upgrade costs ~3000 caps more.

   Price : 3-4k, Paul (NCR) or John Boy (JT)
   Slots: 10
   Max fuel : 5 water bags to hydrate the cow
   Trunk : -data missing-
   Speed : walking speed
   Deteriorates : yes

   Price : 1k + Fuel Cell Controller at Junkyard
   Slots : 1
   Max fuel : 30

   Price : 6k caps from T-Ray in New Reno
   Slots : 2
   Trunk : 88000 grams
   Max fuel : 25
   Fuel consumption: 0,19 per square
   Speed : 0,46 square per second
   Deterioration rate : 0,78 % per square

   Price : 6k caps from T-Ray in New Reno
   Slots : 4
   Trunk : 175000 grams
   Max fuel : 60
   Fuel consumption: 0,75 per square
   Speed : 0,23 square per second
   Deterioration rate : 0,32 % per square

   Price : 20k caps from T-Ray in New Reno
   Slots : 8
   Trunk : 350000 grams
   Max fuel : 120
   Fuel consumption: 0,75 per square
   Speed : 0,36 square per second
   Deterioration rate : 0,19 % per square
   Outdoorsman: 300?

   Price : 45k caps from T-Ray in New Reno
   Slots : 6
   Max. fuel : 40
   Outdoorsman: 300?

   Availability: 1 (unique), Enclave in Navarro
   Price : Not for sale - can be stolen
   Slots : 10
   Max fuel : 400

   Price : 100 caps between each stop
   Slots : 20
   Stops: 4

Vault City Train Station
03.00 - NCR
09.00 - NCR
15.00 - NCR
21.00 - NCR

NCR Train Station
2.00 - Vault City
4.00 - Boneyard
8.00 - Vault City
10.00 - Boneyard
14.00 - Vault City
16.00 - Boneyard
20.00 - Vault City
22.00 - Boneyard

Boneyard Train Station
01.00 - NCR
05.00 - San Francisco
07.00 - NCR
11.00 - San Francisco
13.00 - NCR
17.00 - San Francisco
19.00 - NCR
23.00 - San Francisco

San Francisco Train Station
00.00 - Boneyard
06.00 - Boneyard
12.00 - Boneyard
18.00 - Boneyard
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 07:46:08 pm by Marko »
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
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