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[TTTLA] Lawyer vidéos topic 2

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I gave you a minus to ruin your streak.
Btw, this no-walls looks... awful.Like turning the game into pre-dev-alpha-beta-delta stage just for the win.

I agree. But actually, the few ones who use the no-wall patch are the few ones who aren't lazy to record videos.   :-[


How to make epic video with nothing  ;D


--- Quote from: LeMark on May 19, 2013, 05:30:27 pm ---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1aMXic9-zQ

How to make epic video with nothing  ;D

--- End quote ---
This is supposed to be satirical right?

-Max Payne-:
EPIC VIDEO THAT?? haha you are killing some noobs at 6-7 vs one .

But if tttla come back, its nice.


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