Other > Winter 2011/2012

Several Bugs



* [Gathering] Tobacco plant harvested with knife produces fiber. Potentially endless, was able to get 10 from one plant without depleting it.
* [Followers] Follower in NCR can be talked to, but after closing window, 'this person is busy'. Only resets upon leaving to WM.
* [Followers] Follower does not respawn at house in NCR after being killed. Party points still in use
* [General] After renting in NCR residential area, was told to use room 1, but room 2 was open instead. Front door is open, side door needs a key.
* [General] Residential area needs to be added to Town/World in NCR

Bruiser is bugged, gives error special incorrect after creating character with this perk
Attacking NPCs in NCR bugged, they start attacking each other after shooting one of them, or attacking them with mercs. They run around like a bunch of idiots and shoot each other.


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