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Author Topic: Loner trait  (Read 11080 times)

Re: Loner trait
« Reply #60 on: December 23, 2011, 03:54:24 pm »

This is for loner only pattern  ;D
no Wez no fun...
everyday my english loose 1point :/


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Re: Loner trait
« Reply #61 on: December 23, 2011, 03:58:58 pm »

This is for loner only pattern  ;D

OH, sorry then I misunderstood. Then maybe it's not a bad idea because the point of crafting alt is to XP it fast.
As long as bonuses were non-pvp related it could work.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 04:07:08 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Loner trait
« Reply #62 on: December 23, 2011, 04:25:11 pm »

For me , as a loner - it would be only pain in ass trait. Better would be one which would have adv in PvE and disadv in PvP - that would help much more. In other way loner would give + for healing yourself, + for giving outdoors to yourself but would not heal much other and do not travel well with Players (not counting dogs :P) or slaves/mercs. That would be more usable than some alter trait.


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Re: Loner trait
« Reply #63 on: December 23, 2011, 05:09:02 pm »

I guess my argument is that this trait, if properly balanced bonus and malus, wouldn't encourage alting.

Listen the first 14 seconds of this song and you will get the picture of typical powergamer mentality. So basically only way to balance this trait so that it won't encourage alting would be that it gives you access to every option alts provide. And I mean every.
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Re: Loner trait
« Reply #64 on: December 24, 2011, 10:47:53 pm »

Loner player needs:
  • character with good combat skills
  • get rid of crafting/barter alts
  • maybe extra carryweight?

What about this:
  • +2 CH (you can talk to merchants, take quests...)
  • you can have only 2 NPC followers
  • you can't have any player followers
  • you occupy four seats while travelling by car with party
  • you are count four times while joining party

And another proposal:
  • +2 CH (you can talk to merchants, take quests...)
  • +50% to science, repair, doctor, first aid, outdoorsman
  • you can have only 2 NPC followers
  • you can't have any player followers
  • you occupy four seats while travelling by car with party
  • you are count four times while joining party
  • you can't join player-driven faction
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 11:23:06 pm by SmallGreg »
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