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Survival Guides / Game Help
SG-BG burster /Slaver Hybrid??
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Topic: SG-BG burster /Slaver Hybrid?? (Read 1274 times)
I need some bubble gum, im sick of kicking ass
SG-BG burster /Slaver Hybrid??
December 13, 2011, 02:02:05 am »
yes i know it sounds stupid but i wanna try a new char that may be capable of fighting against monsters and some players and at the same time be a average slaver. im doing this post because every build that i do has a defect that other players mark me.
i know that with the big guns it will tear apart all the slaves but with small guns it shoiuld work, and the big guns skill to at least have a chance in non guarded towns
just a hybrid to dont play the game with alts, wich i personally hate.
could someone tell me about any good build you can think of?
thank all for the help
Re: SG-BG burster /Slaver Hybrid??
Reply #1 on:
December 13, 2011, 02:18:22 am »
So you want high cha plus good sg & bg skill? Just checking.
p.s. alts are almost a necessity to fully appreciate this game :p
Slaver Snipe
Re: SG-BG burster /Slaver Hybrid??
Reply #2 on:
December 13, 2011, 02:30:02 am »
Honestly a build that would be good at SG/BG and slaving would take too many points in INT and CHA to be worth it. My advice would be ignore the BG and just use assault rifle which can deal decent damage as a single aimed shot or decent damage as a burst. You also need to decide if you want to be a drug whore or not (I personally dislike being a drugwhore because I find it an annoyance even if I lose a few special points) Also, if you slave you should have plenty of chance against others in an unguarded town as long as you keep decent slaves with you in between selling them. There are a number of slaves good with SG or sharpened spears. (Just beware melee slaves will be raped by any burster but can be very entertaining vs rocket users)
I need some bubble gum, im sick of kicking ass
Re: SG-BG burster /Slaver Hybrid??
Reply #3 on:
December 13, 2011, 02:37:47 am »
imean i want to fulfill almost all of what io require,: to be able to get some dudes ithme: 3 of them at eleast, to kill any mobs that i came across, and to be able to make a stand against a pk
Sg would be only to konck down the slaves, but i can fist them or shoot them after i kill all the ones that i dont need so. bg and slaver would work,im using operas character planner but i need the opinion of experimentex players
yes but i already ahve aa sg burster, and i got sick of it, i want the heavy stuff, would it be ok if i only dedicate to the big guns?
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Survival Guides / Game Help
SG-BG burster /Slaver Hybrid??