Ok, so... I think i have heard mentiond that armor should be left behind the dead of fallen NCR merc and murader raider guys right?
so i think that would be bad ass... evin if they where damaged or sometimes completly 99% -beond repair could accur during plasma or evin multipel frags.
It might help boost econimy.
cigurettes could be availibel in bars...
like beer. :/
*updated* so you can get cigs at the JT bar eh? thats good to kno.
other idea
a feture for cows that keeps them from runing in front of your charicter when in battel.
mabey a cow ancure or something*
so like, you are in battel and your cow is to stay at the gridd line for extra chance of saftie since cow is awsome at runing infront of full burst shotties/mines/zookaz/bad shit... ect.
No cow, this battel is not for you.... type thing.
more train or buses would be coo i think. a shuttel system... or mabey the caravans up and runing, with transportation options.
it would be coo to hitch rides with carvans. i think..
arrg. peace
ps oh hella funny stuff on other note, haha good one ^_^
Extra note *updated
motor bikes would be a cool implement
their was a bike in BOS and a key to it, but i didnt find the bike just the key.
difrent colored cheaply crappy painted vehicles like
3 difrent colors for the humV
..i think that would be a cool feture.
more parking space, a square of land just for parking, mabey 3 squares. parking zone 1a 2a 3a
mabey a island or 2, mabey a volcanic location.
a beach location of just sand with water if their isnt,
rivers, if their isnt.
I thought I have seen a river posted picture on here with a glitch being shown and mentioned after that it was in proces of being fixed. I have not seen a river ever.
A place where river use to be would be cool... like a emptie channel, or high way pass with emptie channel ditch.
lineyer map areas that force a north or south migration, dence catice, crazy mutated dence cati, or stuff... rocks... mabey a ditch on the left filled with burning bodys. <-
are we actuly unable to buy are own hookers?
no prostitutes? not evin in reno?
i know you can talk to them... but that seems to be it.
their should be like, at least 1 prostie walking availible prostitute in the streets of reno, and probley everywhere els... at all times during the night hours.
evin male ho's man this is 2238 and far from modist...
-idea for machine gun;
machine gun, the spining one that weighs about...alot.
a stand, a fold out stand that takes -3/4 ap to deploy
adding the ablitie to handel it,
or 10 str.
8st with added perk + 2 heandel weapons
decreased accuricy fired far range with no tripod.
a group of npc travelers would be cool, like threw out the day mabey a few npc groups of all difrent typs spawn in the towns and hang out for secc, and you have option to talk with them and tag along their next jurny,
with added battels... along the way, so it could end you being the only one to make it to the next city ^_^
areas where their is raidiotion pooled every where and melting people in the pools sometimes would be a great christmiss charm...
the ablitie to behead and keep heads would be cool...
-another form of curency
more prostititutes...
armor with good mountain climbing boots + faster mountain travel-