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Author Topic: GN13: New Member Recruitment, Security, & Ethics - New Players Welcomed!  (Read 1653 times)

    GN13 is looking for new members!  Also, this thread is also to share what we are about.  Constructive criticism is welcomed.  ;D

    Like the server population, our numbers have gone down from where it once was. However, lately we have successfully been recruiting and are looking forward to being able to participate in Town Controls again!

    Simplified Mission Statement:
    • GN13 is a faction dedicated to making a positive contribution to everyone's gaming experience, to participate in Town Controls, and to not participate in unjustified player killings.  GN13 also has an increased focus on being easily accessible to, recruiting, protecting, and teaching players that are new to the game.
    • New members will be added as a member to the Base 1 Outpost (north of Necropolis).
    • New members can be immediately added as a "friend" to Base 2 Scrapyard (between Vault City & Broken Hills), Base 3 Gas Station (one square from Redding), and Base 4 Bunker (south of Necropolis).
    • Filling out the recruitment application is NOT required, but would help us get to know you faster.
    • All items left in bases 1, 2, 3, and 4 (common bases) are to be considered disposable. Do not leave items that are valuable to you in these bases. As a result, these bases are mostly considered 'empty' and will be used for the purposes of meeting, using the workbenches, and for gathering of resources.
    • Cars should not be left at common bases for extended periods of time due to the risk that they may be stolen.
    • It is highly recommended that you keep all your items at your tent or at a personal base.
    • All members are expected to understand and enforce the faction's ethics and moral code. These rules are the cornerstone of what GN13 stands for and is the framework of the image that we want to project of ourselves to the wasteland.
    • The price of being unjustifiably killed or stolen from by another person is essentially that person is stealing the time you spent to acquire those resources. Part of our mission is to be the opposite of those people who steal time. At best, we will be willing to donate our time to help others. At a minimum, we will not take advantage of other people by stealing their time.
    • Stealing from Players is not permitted unless it is an attempt to recover something from the player that had stolen from you.
    • All members are expected to act respectful and with maturity towards everyone inside and outside of the faction at all times. Always keep in mind that this is a game, although emotions can run deep, the purpose of this game should be to have fun or enjoy personal satisfaction while interacting with other players. You cannot act in a manner that violates someone's right to do the same, with exceptions being listed below.
    • Player killing (PK) is acceptable in these situations:
      • In self defense after you have been shot at for no just cause.
      • In self defense proactively before you have been shot at if you know the person is a PK that shoots on sight, or if the PK is listed in our forums in the player killers list.
      • For revenge or to recover your items after being killed by a PK or had been stolen from by a thief.
      • During Town Controls.
      • During an attempt by a thief to steal from you.
      • If in doubt about whether or not the situation warrants a PK, don't attempt it.
    For New Players to Consider when Joining:
    • Since new players are added to four bases upon joining, this will drastically change their gaming experience with FOnline.  Having access to the resources (mine in Bunker, fruit in Outpost) and workbenches while having veteran players teach you the ropes can even "take away" from the experience of discovering these things on your own.  If you are frustrated with the game when you are first starting out, considering quitting, or looking for an accelerated approach then this may be the faction for you.  However, if you enjoy discovering everything on your own and are satisfied with "not knowing everything" then we probably won't be suitable for you and you may want to consider other factions.
    Contacting GN13:
    • GN13 can be contacted on our public radio channel, 1313.  How to use radio:
      • Keep in mind that we cannot control who uses the public radio channel, and that impersonators and trolls could be also using it.
    • We can also be contacted through our faction forum:
    • We use Mumble Voice Chat.  Our Mumble server address is port 8455.  Mumble can be downloaded from
    • Using Mumble Voice Chat is NOT required in order to be in our faction, but is HIGHLY recommended, even if you do not have a headset.  The Mumble software has text-to-voice capability, so you can still communicate without a headset!
    • Another trick for those without a microphone or headset - you can use regular HEADPHONES as a MICROPHONE!  Just plug it into your microphone jack on your computer and talk into the left earcup!  Canal (inside ear) phones don't work for this.
    • Extremely excessive use of profanity or obscene language in our communication channels is not permitted.
    • We do have a page on the wiki, although it's somewhat dated:
    Thank you for taking the time to read through this!  ~ Riva
    « Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 07:43:40 pm by martingriffis »
    Re: GN13: New Member Recruitment, Security, & Ethics - New Players Welcomed!
    « Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 05:19:53 pm »

    I just wanted to add that within three days of posting this, we had recruited six new members!  Also, we are now working on creating an optional 'training program' for new players that includes many more things you need to know to survive in the wasteland that isn't well documented or readily apparent.  At the time of writing this, we have a list of 97-points that we plan on covering during training, and this list just keeps growing!  This may seem a lot, but that's part of what makes this game so great.

    There are also plans on turning Base 3 Gas Station into a common base for all members in the near future.  This base is one square away from Redding on the world map, which makes it the perfect hub for mining HQ materials.
    « Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 06:51:01 pm by martingriffis »
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