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Battlefield 3

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--- Quote from: Y0ssarian on December 14, 2011, 03:07:56 am ---This game is okay but feels like BC2 rehashed as MW3 is to MW2 for a reskin DLC package. With the IRVN, mortar and mobile AA nerf it actually feels like BF2. In BF2 you weren't being killed by a guy sitting in broad daylight staring down his weapon with a thermal scope.



Seriously I'm not that good at fps games, maybe averaging above a 1.5 k/d ratio but to have zero situational awareness and when the enemy is practically hugging you...

--- End quote ---
I lol'd too much, I think I may need to go to the doctor. ;D

P.s.  any sniper with a brain will regularly check his surroundings, especially if he's getting damaged. ::)

I usually don't play shooters at all, but my brother made me play Bad Company 2 at his home and it was surprisingly fun. I am loving the weapon sounds, the big maps and the destructible terrain. I guess BF3 is just more of the same then (which doesn't mean it's bad) ?

Althought it gets a bit boring after you levelled up all the "classes" and unlocked all weapons.. Have to say the Pioneer was the most fun for me.

Playing as well, got a new 27 inch screen, had a 19 inch before. Game looks way way better now hehe.

Any of you play the exp pack?

Im lvl 44 in XBOX 360 version my GT is Reiniat. (im Reiniat everywere, that is the advantage of invent a new word ;D)
I like the game, but the last update was a bit wrong, the FAMAS is obviously OP and the SCAR-H, G3 and PKP were wrongly nerfed. Sadly those 3 were exactly my favorite guns  :'(
Im a monster with everything you give me. even the repairing tool, or the EOD.

White Eagle:
yea i agree FAMAS is totally OP, no recoil, it's so easy to kill all lol.


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