Other > Gang Issues

Where are apk factions when needed??

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GReat Screenshot, definetly one of the best ive seen lol

VSB wait on WIPE.

Oh my , just learn to communicate with " apk " , inform them and i'm sure someone will come to aid.

There is a powerful clan of apk in fonline, when you feel sad or wronged, run to the nearest guy with a cirillic name and tell him your trouble, he will surely say tag me and then he will guide you to a safe haven

But if you leave again the respawn area, this time ll be your fault

Not so many so-called APKs cares about southern issues. It's more about "We are against those who killing any non-faction guys on side in their territories". The faction who more or less cares about the things in the south was the Crazy 88 but I don't know how active are they now. There's some new guys called The Outcasts. You might try contact with them. The Lawyers (known as TTTLA) aren't APK or something. The fact, that their enemies are mainly people refered as "PKrs" by the major wasteland population dosen't make them APKs.


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