Other > Winter 2011/2012

mercs weapons


when u go on world map with ur mercs they all put down their weapons.
2ng bug ---weight of helmets..metal helmet weight 15kg ;/


--- Quote from: jacky on December 05, 2011, 12:23:12 am ---when u go on world map with ur mercs they all put down their weapons.

--- End quote ---
This is to lessen the "drop down from air and totally fuck everything and their dog nearby in 3 seconds" scenario that is 2238 now...

when u leave encounter or unprotected city u loose all ur mercs which u cant see behid u.

Jacky is it that merks have there own cooldown battle timers or a FOV thing, because from my testing it feels more that merks now have battle cool-downs.
Some interesting things i have noticed,
Even hours after they have left, they are still listed in party points. (maybe a function to return them somewhere is planned, or maybe bug)
When you leave in a car the orange spot stays on map even though you have left with the car.

i know they are added as members, i used disbandparty all the time. you loose ur mercs only when u cant see them behind you and if it isnt a bug, well it will be hard to make merc leader 10pe+sharpshooter if u dont want to loose your mercs in battle. but i like idea paying salary to mercs but i dont know how it would work, and what will happened if u fail steal on your own mercs?


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