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Author Topic: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)  (Read 2732 times)

We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« on: November 24, 2011, 09:36:37 am »

Can i add one more suggestion? As a representative of one of biggest Russianspeaking (russian part of BHH, its near 20 pple, playing Fonline more, then 1-2 years) community. We are not trolls, we playing Fo all time, not only on forums or dissapearing on another servers. 2238- is our home, and we want to make it better!
We want laser turrel (or few) in BH (other unguarded towns), which will be made by players from a lot of HighQuality recources. Of course only those faction, who guards the town. This way we want to create Roleplay atmosphere in game - if you want to be neccesasary for your town - go and gather resources. If you want PvP - at first you must destroy those mashines. Or something like this. We are tired of Counter strike! We want fallout!!!

Могу ли я посоветовать еще одну вещь? Как представитель одной из самых больших русскоязычных (русская часть БХХ, это около 20человек, играем в Фонлайн более, чем 1-2 года) сообществ. Мы не тролли, мы играем в ФО все время, не только на форумах или исчезаем на другие сервера. 2238- наш дом, и мы хотим его сделать лучше!
Мы хотим лазерную турель (или несколько) в БХ (или других неохраняемых городах), которая будет изготовляться игроками из большого количества хай ресурсов. Конечно, только та факция, которая удерживает город. Этим способом мы хотим создать Ролеплей атмосферу в игре - если хотите быть полезными своему городу - идите и копайте ресурсы. Если вы хотите ПвП - сначала вы должны уничтожить эти машины. Или как-то так. Мы устали от Контр Страйка! Мы хотим Фаллаут!!!

Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2011, 10:11:14 am »

Personally I'm against making robots and such in Fallout there were a few of them in 2 we saw a bit more but only at facilities were their numbers big, at other places you saw max 2-3. Making role play is hard I agree lot of people want just a 2d shoot em up or a click and slash Diablo like RPG though the later isn't bad but definitely not Fallout.
There should be a way to join every town by quest or something similar making the player considered a resident of the place. (Joining one of the Reno families, settling down at Redding, Madoc...etc however this should make the player unable to join any factions since he is part of one already) Also joining the slavers should make the player part of the slavers not just a tattoo that nobody else sees, being a slaver should mean that you are part of them and they are your fellow slavers. (Little side note joining npc factions should keep the minus rep for the enemy factions till the player is a member and leaving slavers shouldn't be possible).
Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2011, 10:24:43 am »

sure bring more npc to militia. btw turtles are ussles they have range 20-30 so they are v easy target. and what if u block way to reactor by them? i would rather say...remove half of militia or make them 200-300hp max not. it is v annoying when u are 6-7 and u cant take city becasue there are 2-3players and 20 500hp npc with rocket launchers.
Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2011, 11:07:41 am »

Under the turret aside some 1-2 places. That it was impossible to put them where wanted. To fit into the atmosphere, and were not Imba.


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Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2011, 12:06:37 pm »

Robots for players uh its not falloutish ;P even not fonlinetish xD


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Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2011, 12:29:22 pm »

Russian ultimatum? I thought cold war had ended!
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2011, 12:57:59 pm »

Large Russian community representative makes a serious ultimatum in which he demands laser turrets. Uh, okay.

TC will change when influence will be the goal, so mixing laser turrets with that might not be a good idea just yet.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2011, 01:00:06 pm »

Russian ultimatum? I thought cold war had ended!
Yes, shure. Ended. It was a little cheat to invite attention of developers to our wishes.
Just bored to play Fonline in this conditions. Developers playing with cooldowns and rolls. And we want more global changes. More conservative. We want to return in a magic world of Fallout. With  those quests, caravans, good atmosphere. I think it will be first step, if someone hear us we can create many constructive ideas. But as usual....
noone cares......
we create from childrens, that playing this game simple NCR trolls and not clever PvP clickers.
I just trying to say, that idea must be interesting. Remember Sega games: Dune, Aladdin, Toy story..... It was games, which was wery interesting even with no grafick. Today we can go and play more reality games, and fallout was one of those games, in which i can play more than year.
Return quests, return ability of roleplay, create much interesting things like those craftable turrels, kill PvP (better make it harder, for real liked it guys) and we will be satisfied.
Sorry for my bad english ^_^

Да, конечно, закончилась.  Это был небольшой обман , чтобы привлечь внимание разработчиков к нашим пожеланиям.
Просто надоело, играть Fonline в нынешних условиях. Разработчики, играют с кулдаунами и роллами . А мы хотим более глобальные изменения. Более консервативные. Мы хотим возвратиться в волшебном мире Фаллаута. С теми квестами, караванами, хорошей атмосферой. Я думаю, что это будет первый шаг, и если кто-то услышит нас, мы можем дать много конструктивных идей. Но как обычно....
никому это не нужно......
мы создаем из детей, играющих в эту игру простых тролли NCR и не очень умных PvP кликеров.
Я только пытаюсь сказать, что идея должна быть интересной. Помните игры Sega: Дюна, Аладдин, История игрушек..... Это были игры, которые были очень интересными даже без графики. Сегодня мы можем пойти и играть в более реальные игры, и Фаллаут был одной из тех игр, в которе я могу играть больше чем год.
Возвратите квесты, возвратите возможность ролеплея, создайте много интересных вещей как те туррели, которые можно скрафтить, убейте PvP (лучше сделайте его тяжелее, чтобы в него играли только парни, которым действительно это нравится), и мы будем удовлетворены.
Извините за мой плохой английский ^_^
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 01:10:37 pm by Iceman »


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Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2011, 01:09:47 pm »

"Give us Fallout back - give us laser turrets"? It doesn't make much sense. Though you're right in this last post, but don't worry, changes are on their way. And as written on the blog, there's an upcoming full wipe :)
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: We want changes! (ultimatum for developers ^_^)
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2011, 03:04:38 pm »

Wait for the update for changes and don't post inane "ultimatums" on the forum.
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