Other > Closed suggestions

First Railroad in Wasteland

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What about some Railway in wasteland ? Is many years after war so i think that is possible to make Railway. Beetwen NCR, VC, Den, Reding, Reno, Broken Hills and San Fran. Good idea or not ? IS this possible ?  8)

yeah, Dig Iron ore, smelt it, make railways, plant it on the ground , chop wood and get some rocks to make it stable and go NCR -San Francisko

If I remember Wright Family have base near railroad station. Too bad it's non operational

neat idea, working on the railway as an alternative to cleaning after brahmins either.
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to see fallout world as an post-ap wild west, not mad-max car thing.

I think this is awesome. I mean if we can all run around making high tech weaponry, who's to say that someone in the wastes, even a town's scientists, can't figure out how to create a train that runs on SECs. I think this could be a great alternative to shoveling Brahmin shit. And after a certain point, when enough ore/metal parts/wood have been donated to the cause, the railway can actually come into effect so all the players who contributed to it can actually see their hard work pay off.


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