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Totally off topic, but I checked that link Србин posted about slavic peoples and found a painting by Sergey Ivanov, a painter I had no knowledge about. Then I go to Ivanov's article and find some more paintings. Look at this:

"On the Road, the Death of a Resettler"

A caravan cart out of water ;) Looks really good.

Well, it's nice to direct you to a quite talented artist Eternauta, and i'm even more suprised you acctualy visited the link, even if it's not panda pr0nz.

Good luck, hope to see you soon in-game !

I'm going to SMG anything I see in a purple robe.

Well that's nice gargantua, i hope you have enough ammo for 20-30 lvl1-21 robers and the balls to even aim at anyone. Oh well, you're still invited... ???

It's still on ma niggas...


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