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Lvl 21 unarmed guy looking for gang

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I'm from Finland.
I have played this game for long time since 2010.
I got lvl 21 unarmed build

I looking for faction that got too other Unarmed or Melee players.
PK or APK whatever doesn't matter for me.

And please no those "Unarmed sucks etc" post on this topic :(

Stop right there u CRIMINAL SCUM

Dont trust this fellow
So u seek another faction to rape
Ur only purpose is to cause harm and make people ragequit.
This is not tolerated in this terrible times when number of players is dwindling
Fonline need more players.

yesterday u wanted to join our faction
yesterday i saw u played with tttla in Reno
Today u post this thread

Ur build is pretty good for base raping.
High carryweight http://wipe.temote.tk/pics/index.php?cmd=image&sfpg=MjIzOC9SYW5kb20vKmN3LmpwZyphZWI4YzA0YjhmNGJhYjdiYzNiMjg1YmYxNDdlZjhhOA

I can understand the way you talking, but people do changes (I have saw that many times at RL)
All that have happened, but i really have changed.

I'm unarmed build.. what for i need stuff? I can survive against players with just bluesuit+fists gear, if they aren't too powerful.
And about that base rape.. actually 1st time was when i rape TGB faction and that was only for because there was one familiar guy from old finnish faction that was called "BSU" and they hated me all the time i was inside faction.
They got enough for my bad jokes (I wasn't member killer or anything) and that one guy make lie and told that I rape their base even that one guy taken all stuff from faction and after that told me on IRC with private message that it was me, but nobody believe me.. i think this everything started from that point.

--- Quote ---yesterday u wanted to join our faction
yesterday i saw u played with tttla in Reno
Today u post this thread
--- End quote ---

Yes i really wanted to join, but you just forced me to do new character even i got already other characters with enough power to help with TC.
Yes i was in New Reno yesterday, but i wasn't on you side or TTTLAs side.
Yeah i posted this thread, because i bored to be alone forever.

^Because of carryweight i made this build?
Get facts right and then come talk again.

W00t? Baseraper on teh move!


--- Quote from: runboy93 on November 20, 2011, 06:51:42 pm ---I can understand the way you talking, but people do changes (I have saw that many times at RL)
--- End quote ---

Yes they do. So if you're now trustworthy, it means you can be untrustworthy tomorrow.


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