Other > Winter 2011/2012

Moonwalk bug is solved?

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For me and like 20/25 more south american players, and some others +20/30 non-european players from USA/canada this bug is the most annoying ever to exist. I whould prefer not having any additional content and just the solve of the moonwalk bug. If i see in the next wipe a lot of new and shining things, and new battle mechanics bla bla bla, and the moonwalk bug still existing i/we probably change to play something else. Is very unfair cannot run from npc or approach to others players in pvp because the pull-to-the-back/moonwalk problem. I never can do any decent 1 hex burst or aproach to any good player whit hth or run when trapped from npcs because this bug.

I've accepted the moonwalk bug as part of the engine and have learned to play around it. Now you try :)

Its not. All the players close to the server dont have it. Its not fair, is a huge advantage.

If they had more money.  erm...  alot more money.  They could put servers in different locations.  But this is free project so not gonna be solved, just learn to deal with it.

At least, this is the case afaik.  Don't take my word for it.


--- Quote from: Savager on November 21, 2011, 10:37:46 pm ---For me and like 20/25 more south american players, and some others +20/30 non-european players from USA/canada this bug is the most annoying ever to exist. I whould prefer not having any additional content and just the solve of the moonwalk bug. If i see in the next wipe a lot of new and shining things, and new battle mechanics bla bla bla, and the moonwalk bug still existing i/we probably change to play something else. Is very unfair cannot run from npc or approach to others players in pvp because the pull-to-the-back/moonwalk problem. I never can do any decent 1 hex burst or aproach to any good player whit hth or run when trapped from npcs because this bug.

--- End quote ---

Every non-european player are fated to FAIL as BigGunner, SG Burster and Unarmed.

They'll (europeans) sure see you first behind the door.
They'll sure be able to make you waste Actions Points without take shot.
Yes, they'll sure able to decide if you can go to exit grid or not.

Do like me: play as Sniper and only as Sniper.   :-*


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