Other > Winter 2011/2012
How to join closedbeta testing?
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on November 19, 2011, 06:06:26 pm ---I only heard gorlak was recruiting people from IRC.
Not devs.
--- End quote ---
No, we are testing it, we have lot of people.Why invite more?
EDIT: Sorry not we, but they.
Just wanted to troll the usual "hey there is something going on that only chosen people can participate. Can I join too?" It's the same like wanting to be a gm or mod. If you are suitable you will be asked. Or, like already stated, you have friends with access to it. Well I'm friends with nexxos and surf and still I'm no gm, don't participate in CBT and have no APA carpet. it all depends on how much you beg for / want something.
If someone clearly looks like someone capable of participating in closed beta test, and the people (GMs) who know / have heard that this someone would be a good betatester, then he will be asked. Being a "friend" or "close friend" to a GM through whatever means isn't a full guarantee for automatically getting in "important positions", but I don't decline the fact that it does help in choosing.
Someone who posts a topic and says: "Hey I'm a good betatester, pick me!" is rather unlikely to get any kinds of positive recognition, as obvious as it should be.
and if i say
Hey i'm here scince opened beta first day,.. i posted many bugs and suggestions and whines
Pick me ;D
I have to ask, what is the point of the CBT anyways? I could've sworn we were already testing the game in the Open Beta, and I didn't realize the game was so closed to being completed already. It doesn't make any sense really, to divide up the 2238 population more in the first place.
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