Other > Winter 2011/2012

Perk/Trait testing and feedback

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-Spray and Pray perk icon exceeds the windows size because the icon size.
-Dismantler perk - Description required.
-More ranged damage perk- description required.

-Lifegiver, In the description for each level of the perk, it says it will add +20 to your total hp , but it is actually level 1: +20, Level 2: +30, Level 3: +40 [otherwise, working correctly]

-Silent death doesn't work on two handed melee weapons.
       -Silent death works with p90 and other one handed SMG's as they count as pistol type for the perk. Actually it is really good , you shouldn't change that just fix the damn ammo DR mods and then we will see how effective it is
       -Silent death works even if you are in a straight line from the targets left or right side , it counts as from back.        -If Silent death bonus is used on multiple targets at the same time it doesn't matter if your using a grenade , smg only the initial hit is critical , it doesn't include spread from bursts and splash damage.

-Man of Steel    15      En 8    Gives -10 on the critical table to hits targetting you
Buff it to +20-25 so it balances out with better criticals and gives some actual advantage against other crit perks that increase critical table damage , otherwise not worth to take it.

Heave Ho! -working, but could use better description.

-Ranger - Seems odd that one can build such an elaborate camp, from simply ten hides. The material requirements need to be raised, ALOT. Decent amount of metal parts, junk, and wood, as well as the brahmin hides is more appropriate. Have whatever specified amount of material removed from player inventory once science skill used on the hides. -Bob

Bonus HtH attacks Requiring 225% in unarmed or melee is absurd requirements..... These skills are maxed out at 160% , even for character with 1 PE. 125% is much more reasonable number- Bob

-Iron Grip, controlled test done with 14mm at 10 hex distance, facing shooter(100%crit 300%SG) straight on. 10 EN, After this test I do believe this is working properly Found a bug there, hard to spot, fixed now Iron Grip En Roll to ignore Arm Cripple, En-5 roll to ignore Weapon Drop
19:00:40 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 54 hit points, crippled your right arm, had your armor bypassed and had your weapon dropped.
19:00:56 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 57 hit points, crippled your right arm, had your armor bypassed and had your weapon dropped.
19:01:02 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 40 hit points.
19:01:05 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 47 hit points.
19:01:07 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 57 hit points and had your weapon dropped.
19:01:14 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 42 hit points.
19:01:16 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 54 hit points.
19:01:19 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 40 hit points.
19:01:21 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 55 hit points.
19:01:24 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 51 hit points.
19:01:26 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 32 hit points.
19:01:30 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 55 hit points.
19:01:32 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 35 hit points.
19:01:33 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 55 hit points.
19:01:35 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 48 hit points, crippled your right arm and had your armor bypassed.
19:01:50 • You were critically hit for 50 hit points.
19:01:58 • You were critically hit in the right arm for 60 hit points and had your weapon dropped.
19:02:24 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 45 hit points, crippled your left arm and had your armor bypassed.
19:02:33 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 45 hit points.
19:02:37 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 50 hit points.
19:02:40 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 52 hit points.
19:02:48 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 50 hit points.
19:02:50 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 47 hit points.
19:02:52 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 51 hit points, crippled your left arm, had your armor bypassed and had your weapon dropped.
19:02:56 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 42 hit points.
19:02:59 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 37 hit points.
19:03:01 • You were critically hit in the left arm for 48 hit points, crippled your left arm and had your armor bypassed.
-Tree trunk thighs, controlled test done with 14mm at 10 hex distance, facing shooter straight on. 10 EN not working Fixed things there, re-check
• Gorlak: Tree Trunk Thighs En-5 Roll to ignore Leg Cripples
You were critically hit in the left leg for 60 hit points and knocked down.
20:34:53 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 32 hit points and knocked down.
20:34:56 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 55 hit points and knocked down.
20:34:58 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 35 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:00 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 40 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:02 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 47 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:03 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 37 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:04 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 42 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:05 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 52 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:07 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 54 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:08 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 63 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:09 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 30 hit points and knocked down.
20:35:10 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 51 hit points, knocked down and crippled your left leg.
20:35:12 • You were critically hit in the left leg for 36 hit points and knocked down.- Looks good now, new test above

-Adrenaline rush perk working correctly, although does not show change to DR, In character sheet. When you drop below half of HP. Should be fixed along with timeout fixes -Yes

-Dialogue error in Livewire Perk description. "In" shouldn't be capitalized (should be "in" )
-Even more critical perk is available, without having had more criticals perk beforehand. According to Solar, this is not a bug

-Even tougher perk available , without having previous toughness selected. According to Solar, this is not a bug

- Such perks as Dodger+, Healer+ or Lifegiver 2 appears in the menu without taking of first perk of series. It should only appear one after another. It could be abused this way - anybody could take just the Lifegiver 2, gain +40 HP and don't take first Lifegiver, which gives +20 HP. According to Solar, this is not a bug. The '+' perks have higher level requirements than their counterparts, so you can only choose between better/worse versions of some perks

-'In your face!' perk, working great when having melee in active slot, But if you have gun in offhand slot , effect is nullified( I assume this is intended , to prevent exploitation by gun user?). Perk also NOT working, with empty hand slot[no weapon equipped to either] Fixed (?), re-check Looks good now.

-Livewire Perk AC bonus only applies to body, and not head. Fixed, re-check

-HtH evade Perk AC bonus only applies to body, and not head. Also shows on inventory screen, and character sheet upon selection Fixed, re-check

-Dead man walking BROKEN - cannot be killed by npc, when they are using unarmed/ HtH attacks. otherwise , working fine. Fixed, recheck after update

-Medic - working Good
-Healer - working Good
-Healer+ - working Good
-Blessed are the weak(should be in support perks) - working Good
Bonus HtH damage- working Good

-Ghost perk really works , if your 5 hexes near a wall or other obstacles you gain nice amount of passive sneak skill , as soon as your further than 5 hexes no bonus is applied. Tested against a 10 PE char. Good, and check again with Magic Debug Tool

Maybe that's not needed in this tread but the first impression in char LVLing is the less perk number...

Need more different perks for create some buid-difference...

Is it imply that need 100/+150 small/bigggun for crit percs but it is not work for energy skill ?
-It is that way now, yes.. Fix is being made on these perks to include Energy weapon

Lifegiver ranks should give the opposite amount of HP as it is now , not 20 ; 30 ; 40 but 40 ; 30 ; 20 , the more ranks you get the less effective they are , i think that would be more balanced. Feedback :)

Iron Grip                   12      Str 8   En Roll to ignore Arm Cripple, En-5 roll to ignore Weapon Drop
Tree Trunk Thighs       6        En 6    En-5 Roll to ignore Leg Cripples
-I think these should be merged , we already have not much space to all the available perks and since stonewall beats both of these perks individually by usefulness , i am highly unsure if they will be picked and considered worthy.
     -These are the way they are to create variety in builds, not to make hundred of same running around.
True , but cripplers aren't so effective anymore , but hey wipe comes then we will see what perks people will use , i'm worried that they will be forgotten or considered not worth to take. I will always pick stonewall and you know why ? You can pick up the dropped weapon and doc your crippled leg or arm , but you can't pick up or doc a knock out or knock down , witch are the most deadliest in pvp + there is hardly space for the stonewall as builds goes now.

Tree Trunk Thighs
Iron Grip

What would really help with build variety and balance is the option to take stonewall in level 6 and Tree Trunk Thighs , Iron Grip in level 3 , if you don't want to drop these level caps , then make bonus ranged damage available at level 6. The level requirements are weird every big gunner kinda looks the same , the only difference is between how much lifegiver , bonus ranged damage or toughness the build has because how the requirements are. Actually big gunners are forced to take toughness on level 6 , level 3 is no sugar too you take adrenaline rush or weapon handling rest is shit.

--- Quote from: Sarakin on November 11, 2011, 04:52:59 pm ---That would make taking first lifegiver a neccessity (like we got now, taking it on lvl 12), while offering weak bonus if you want to specialize.
30/30/30 would be the way to go if you ask me.
You can take even more criticals on 6, and quick recovery/more criticals on 3.

--- End quote ---

The thing is now 2 lifegivers are mandatory and that's worse , weak bonus makes sense you can specialize with lifegivers but you won't get as much benefit from those extra LG and because of that other perks will seem more appealing , i see that as some variety and balance , if someone fucking cares about that anymore ....

Since luck now is a dump stat , armors decrease critical chance of opponent and you must have a perk to overcome it , more critical is fucking useless unless you are a sniper build. Quick recovery ? Toughness is better , there are no second thoughts about it and has never been.

--- Quote from: Sarakin on November 11, 2011, 04:52:59 pm ---Critical hits perks should have some LK requirement, even small one.
BRD would be better to be 2/2/2 instead of 2/2/3. Its already insane damage.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Gorlak on November 10, 2011, 02:43:17 am ----Ghost perk really works , if your 5 hexes near a wall or other obstacles you gain nice amount of passive sneak skill , as soon as your further than 5 hexes no bonus is applied. Tested against a 10 PE char. Good, and check again with Magic Debug Tool

--- End quote ---

I did it.


--- Quote from: Gorlak on November 10, 2011, 02:43:17 am ---Such perks as Dodger+, Healer+ or Lifegiver 2 appears in the menu without taking of first perk of series. It should only appear one after another. It could be abused this way - anybody could take just the Lifegiver 2, gain +40 HP and don't take first Lifegiver, which gives +20 HP.

--- End quote ---
The difference is in requirements but I agree, that the + and even/more versions are far more superior thatn they should be

--- Quote from: Gorlak on November 10, 2011, 02:43:17 am ----Man of Steel    15      En 8    Gives -10 on the critical table to hits targetting you
Buff it to +20-25 so it balances out with better criticals and gives some actual advantage against other crit perks that increase critical table damage , otherwise not worth to take it.

--- End quote ---
I dont agree, if you want to buff, I wouldnt go over -15

--- Quote from: Gorlak on November 10, 2011, 02:43:17 am ---Bonus HtH attacks Requiring 225% in unarmed or melee is absurd requirements..... These skills are maxed out at 160% , even for character with 1 PE. 125% is much more reasonable number- Bob

--- End quote ---
Same goes for BROF. Still, 125% is ridiculously low. Id go for 150% plus SPECIAL requirement (10 agi, 8 pe ?)

--- Quote from: T-888 on November 10, 2011, 05:11:33 pm ---Lifegiver ranks should give the opposite amount of HP as it is now , not 20 ; 30 ; 40 but 40 ; 30 ; 20 , the more ranks you get the less effective they are , i think that would be more balanced.

--- End quote ---
That would make taking first lifegiver a neccessity (like we got now, taking it on lvl 12), while offering weak bonus if you want to specialize.
30/30/30 would be the way to go if you ask me.

--- Quote from: T-888 on November 10, 2011, 05:11:33 pm ---Actually big gunners are forced to take toughness on level 6 , level 3 is no sugar too you take adrenaline rush or weapon handling rest is shit.

--- End quote ---
You can take even more criticals on 6, and quick recovery/more criticals on 3.

Concerning Iron Grip, its a good perk, but has rough requirements. On the other hand, Tree Trunk Thighs is pretty weak, Id make it a lvl 3 perk.

Critical hits perks should have some LK requirement, even small one.
BRD would be better to be 2/2/2 instead of 2/2/3. Its already insane damage.

Wait so lifegiver is now 20/30/40? Feels kinda useless to take just one rank if you ask me. But not mandatory either. Looks like sweet spot, where you will take lifegiver only if you really need to last longer at cost of other perks.

By the way, bonus range damage is still static number?


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