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Author Topic: Specific things to test  (Read 3838 times)


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Specific things to test
« on: November 12, 2011, 04:26:04 am »

Three things need some testing effort. Please use this thread to provide feedback on them.

1. Repair and deterioration
Excerpt from the update list:
Things to test there (under various circumstances):
Is the condition of the repaired item never greater than sum of its condition before the repair and the condition of the item used to repair it?
Is maximum condition never less than current condition?
Does maximum condition decrease, but never increase?
Are there any errors in the process of the repair (items now shown, menu doing nothing upon item selection)?

1. Armor Class
Excerpt from the update list (added 12.11.2011, fixed 17.11.2011):
Testing here should be clear.
Important note: current AC values of armours are just arbitrary fillers, expect changes there.

3. FoV and Sneak
Excerpt from the update list (changed 12.11.2011):
Since testing of this might be a little tricky, there is a way to make it easier. A Magic Debug Item has been introduced (for CBT only, of course). It's a weapon that can be used to check own visibility (the target is the observer). It prints all steps of the algorithm that determines it. In case of observed abnormalities, provide "test id" written in the output, and how to reproduce the bug. Consult the item's description prior to use. The items will be placed in CBT in various places. Take as much as you need, but no more.
Note: "heavy weapons" are those that use flamer, rocket launcher, plasma rifle or minigun animation, and "two handed rifles" are two handed weapons using Small Guns, Big Guns or Energy Weapons skill (in primary mode).
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 01:15:22 pm by Atom »
Re: Specific things to test
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 06:28:59 am »

1. Repair and deterioration

-Are total condition of the repaired item never greater than sum of its condition before the repair and condition of the item used to repair it?
                     -Total condition of repaired item is never greater than sum of it's condition before the repair
-Is maximum condition never less than current condition?
                     -No, maximum condition is never less than current condition

-Does maximum condition decrease, but never increase?
                     - Yes
-Are there any errors in the process of the repair (items now shown, menu doing nothing upon item selection)?
                     -It would be nice if one was able to see the condition of the item being selected for repair on specific item, to be shown in the message box when arrow cursor is used upon it.
Re: Specific things to test
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 08:40:00 pm »

    1.Observer's maximum sight range is reduced, based on opponent's relative direction: 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% (for front, front-side, back-side and back respectively). For sneakers, the following algorithm decides the visibility:
    2.First, raw Sneak skill value of the opponent is taken. Then the following boni are applied:
        2.1For being next to a wall (1 hex, or 5 with Ghost perk): +30.
        2.2For being hidden behind an object (there is an unpassable scenery between the opponent and the target no more than 2 hexes from the opponent): +60.
        2.3For using Stealth Boy: +60.
    3.At this point of calculations, Sneak is capped at 300. Then the following penalties are applied:
        3.1 For opponent's relative direction: -72, -36, -12, 0.
        3.2 For wielding weapons: -36 for two handed rifle in active slot, -72 for heavy weapons in active slot.
        3.3 For wearing armours: -36 for Combat Armor and variants, -72 for Metal Armor and variants.
        3.4 For running: -60, unless with Silent Running perk.
    4.The opponent is invisible whenever its distance from the observer increased by final Sneak/6 is larger than observer's FRONT sight range (regardless of the actual direction).
   5. Everything said when sneaked is downgraded to whisper.
   6. Active Motion Sensor reveals all critters in 15 hexes radius (whether behind a wall or not). It consumes Small Energy Cells and Micro Fusion Cells. Use Science on it to see remaining charges.
   7.Stealth Boy disappears on use and grants a 20 minutes long Sneak bonus. Consuming more resets the timer to 20 minutes.

1.TEST Test id=1512659329
observer's maximum fov range decreased to 44 (0% front penalty)
Front penalty is applied and calculated correctly. Ok

1.TEST Test id=925095993
observer's maximum fov range decreased to 36(20% front-side penalty)
Front-side penalty is applied and calculated correctly. Ok

1.TEST Test id=846234016
observer's maximum fov range decreased to 22(50% back penalty)
Back penalty is applied incorrectly but calculated correctly. Must be 60% according to written parameters Fixed

1.TEST Test id=1130024564
observer's maximum fov range decreased to 27(40% back-side penalty)
Back-side penalty is applied and calculated correctly Ok

Some of those values are rounded down when calculated i suppose it's not a bug or anomaly. Reduction should be rounded down

2.TEST Test id=1231675441
you ARE a sneaker , base sneak value:300
Base sneak value is taken correctly. Ok

2.1TEST Test id=1231675441
you are not behind a wall.
When not standing near a wall or scenery object , it's checked and confirmed correctly. Ok

2.1TEST Test id=1160730710
you are within 4 hexes to nearest wall:adding 30
you have ghost perk
sneak after bonus (330)
sneak after capping (300)
Ghost perk presence is checked and applied correctly when standing near an actual wall , capped bonus is denied correctly. Ok

When not standing near an actual wall it conforms that i am , this is common in many places with such objects , crates , old cars etc. etc.

2.1 TEST Test id= 184448816

You don't gain bonus standing 1 hex near a wall without ghost perk , debug tool doesn't confirm that you are not behind a wall but it doesn't conform that you are and don't give any bonus
Fixed a bug with wall distance. Should work now (check after update)

2.2TEST Test id=1938642027
you are partially occluded: adding 60
sneak after bonus (390)
sneak after capping (300)
Using a barrel it conforms and checks it's presence and adds bonus correctly as well denies it. 390 is due to ghost perk presence. Ok

3. It is capped at 300 and no bonuses exceed that. Ok

3.1TEST test id= 811000269
Modifying sneak: -72 (front)
Front penalty is applied correctly. Ok

3.1TEST test id= 1225563405
Modifying sneak: -36 (front-side)
Front-side penalty is applied correctly. Ok

3.1TEST test id= 982148565
Modifying sneak: -12 (back-side)
Back-side penalty is applied correctly. Ok

3.1TEST test id= 490254343
Modifying sneak: 0 (back)
Back penalty is applied correctly. Ok

3.2TEST test id= 1384804035
Modifying sneak: -72 ( heavy weapon , counted as if it was in main slot)
Heavy weapon penalty is applied correctly.  Ok

3.2TEST test id= 282777756
Modifying sneak: -36 ( rifle )
Two handed weapon penalty is applied correctly.  Ok

3.3TEST test id= 1104711025
Modifying sneak: -36 (metal armor)
Debug tool recognizes all combat variants as metal armor Fixed, but penalty is applied correctly. Ok

3.3TEST test id= 45245687
Modifying sneak: -72 (metal armor)
All metal armor variants apply correct penalty. Ok

3.4 I tested sneak in general before , silent running works and sneak isn't compromised in any way if running with the perk.  Ok

4.TEST Test id= 1026211547
your visibility at distance 6:VISIBLE
distance reduction (sneak/6):16
front_fov-reduction >= distance (19 >= 6)
Confirms. Ok

5. Using /o still is possible when sneaking. Fixed

6. Science has no effect on it , you can't charge it with anything and it doesn't work and you can't " activate it " only " use " Fixed

Green means works fine and red something is wrong. :)

btw when i will be in the mood i will check whats going on with the AC.


7. ; 2.3TEST test id = 492158353
you have active stealth boy: adding 60 Ok

Stealth boy timer is incorrect. At least 40+ minutes has to be 20.

6. Motion sensor does it function properly , science works on it , but recharging still doesn't work.

1.TEST Test id=837754643
observer's maximum fov range decreased to 20% (60% back penalty)
Back penalty is applied correctly now. Ok

2.1TEST Test id=1332810946
you are not behind a wall Not Ok
you are within 1 hexes to nearest wall: adding 30 Ok
Wall bonus is applied correctly without ghost perk , but debug tool recognizes that you are behind the wall and you are not at the same time. Weird.

5. /o doesn't work while sneaking Ok

I checked various armors , weapons , obstacles and it seems fine. For now i don't have any other ideas what to test about sneak.

Atom i hate that i am the one telling you this , about the AC in TB no one can understand how it supposed to work , can you describe that feature ummm ..... the simple way ? ;D
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 04:38:01 pm by T-888 »


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Re: Specific things to test
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2011, 01:36:03 pm »

Stealth boy timer is incorrect. At least 40+ minutes has to be 20.
What does that mean? Note that stealth boy timer is counted down only when the player is logged in.

6. Motion sensor does it function properly , science works on it , but recharging still doesn't work.

Fixed after update.

you are not behind a wall Not Ok
This must be ok since it doesn't even have to be written: it's not possible to use the debug tool from behind a wall (should give some "Aim is blocked" message). "Wall" here is meant as actual wall, not as an occluder such as a barrel or a window.

AC in TB
Obvious error in the description: it should read "half" instead of "twice". More explicitly ("critter" means npc or player):
When the critter's turn begins: save the current position as pos1.
When the critter's turn ends: denote the current position as pos2. Until the critter's next turn, the critter is considered running if and only if
Distance(pos1,pos2) + action_points_left >= max_action_points/2,
  • Distance(pos1,pos2) means actual distance between the two hexes. It is not exactly related to the number of hexes the critter have travelled. If you move 1 hex and then return to the original position, it counts the same as if no move was done at all.
  • action_points_left are leftover points from the turn. In previous mechanics, these were simply added to critter's AC until its next turn (or end of TB combat).
  • max_action_points is obvious.
To be fair, the AC part appears to be tested enough already.
Re: Specific things to test
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2011, 02:26:10 pm »

What does that mean? Note that stealth boy timer is counted down only when the player is logged in.
Stealth Boy disappears on use and grants a 20 minutes long Sneak bonus. Consuming more resets the timer to 20 minutes.

Stealth boy doesn't last 20 minutes , but at least 40+ minutes , according to description it is incorrect. I didn't have the stealth boy/girl perk.

Stealth Girl/Boy    Stealth 100, Repair 100 Double length of Stealth Boy

Thank you for a more detailed description about AC in TB.

I still don't have any ideas how to test sneak , fov further.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 02:31:40 pm by T-888 »
Re: Specific things to test
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2011, 10:59:15 pm »

Seems like AC will be 0 when not running. But what about the perks like "HTH Evade"? They are based that u can evade the attacks by ur knowledge in marcial arts/street fighting. Its not related to running.
Thats value should be always activated in my opinion.
Re: Specific things to test
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2011, 09:35:41 am »

To be fair, the AC part appears to be tested enough already.
I'm not participant of CBT, so don't know exact what you tested, but in OBT I really liked to exploit AC and I still know how to accumulate AC at current server and it's not a graphical bug as people really have less chance to hit you.

So I just want to warn or something ;p
I read this:
Obvious error in the description: it should read "half" instead of "twice". More explicitly ("critter" means npc or player):
When the critter's turn begins: save the current position as pos1.
When the critter's turn ends: denote the current position as pos2. Until the critter's next turn, the critter is considered running if and only if
Distance(pos1,pos2) + action_points_left >= max_action_points/2,
  • Distance(pos1,pos2) means actual distance between the two hexes. It is not exactly related to the number of hexes the critter have travelled. If you move 1 hex and then return to the original position, it counts the same as if no move was done at all.
  • action_points_left are leftover points from the turn. In previous mechanics, these were simply added to critter's AC until its next turn (or end of TB combat).
  • max_action_points is obvious.

1) AC bonus given by running is a variable that changes to 0 and N or it's +/- to AC of player?
2) Have you tested what will happen to person if he has bonus AC from running and ended turn and some other sly person will push him into exit grid or knock back him there? So he'll leave to WM but won't end turn, will AC stay with him?
3) If server saves data in time when you ended turn and then server crashes, then server up and you log in, will you have that AC while standing on WM? (currently in OBT you'll have permanent AC bonus from unspent AC if this happens, only evil GM can "fix" this... if you report of course)
4) Rocketjumping or suicidal grenade throwing will be considered as if you were running? As you can knock back yourself with it while not spending APs on moving at all. As you'll change position.

Other question:
Max AP means max AP on start of turn or max AP on end of turn? As you can take Jet, cookie, lose effect of some drug and get addiction or take another drug and remove addiction effect during turn.
Offtopic question:
In OBT if drug effect ends while you're entering TB encounter you can ignore effect of -1 AP from addiction. For example: I found an encounter in TB, and, oh noes, damned Jet ending in wrong time as usually when not needed, I'm losing -2 AP and gaining DR back while on WM yet with red lightning bolt flashing, but, then I entering an encounter with some muties and combat starts, my turn, and... no, I don't lose -1 AP for addiction from Jet. I guess the same thing will happen if server saves data in between losing Jet effect and gaining -1 AP from addiction and then server crashes, I think if I'll log in, I'll have full APs like if I never had an addiction. So is it possible to fix it in some way, may be perform those checks during some actions, like each time you're logging in, getting new turn/ending turn, entering a location or something?

Other info:
Sometimes I can accumulate AC in OBT by closing FOnline window/rebooting modem/messing with network connections/running Tunngle (thing like Hamachi, but it kills your internet for a short time when you start run it) during other player(s)' turn when I have AC from unspent APs, I'm trying to log in, but it says that I'm already logged in, then in few minutes, when evil muties killing my mindless body in desert, I can log in and see myself in respawn point with AC bonus from unspent APs, testing shows that it's not graphical bug, as people really has more penalty to hit me, at least in unarmed.
Simply some info about APs and ACs.

I'll try to remember more AC exploits including armors, but after wipe armors will have negative ACs anyway, so it'll be useless, +I can't remember exact process now >_>
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 09:41:34 am by RavenousRat »


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Re: Specific things to test
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2011, 05:51:52 pm »

Offtopic question:
In OBT if drug effect ends while you're entering TB encounter you can ignore effect of -1 AP from addiction. For example: I found an encounter in TB, and, oh noes, damned Jet ending in wrong time as usually when not needed, I'm losing -2 AP and gaining DR back while on WM yet with red lightning bolt flashing, but, then I entering an encounter with some muties and combat starts, my turn, and... no, I don't lose -1 AP for addiction from Jet. I guess the same thing will happen if server saves data in between losing Jet effect and gaining -1 AP from addiction and then server crashes, I think if I'll log in, I'll have full APs like if I never had an addiction. So is it possible to fix it in some way, may be perform those checks during some actions, like each time you're logging in, getting new turn/ending turn, entering a location or something?

AFAIK, in TB, time is ultra slowed down. Like there is something like 5 seconds between end of drug and addiction effect, it's maybe because of those 5 sec which count as hour in TB?
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