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Author Topic: Known issues  (Read 39352 times)


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2011, 05:35:55 pm »

Quote from: fonlinewiki
When you successfully open a car or caravan with any key in active slot, key will be assigned to this car or caravan.

This doesn't work with cars or caravans. The car simply gets lockpicked but the key doesn't reassign.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2011, 06:25:25 pm »

Throwing armed dynamite and killing players with it in guarded town doesn't make guards hostile. It makes guards hostile only if NPC is hurt in explosion.

This doesn't work for grenades.
"Sanity... is for the weak!"


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2011, 06:44:47 pm »

Hexthrowed grenades never crit.

More critical needs to be adjusted so that Throwing 100 unlocks it. Otherwise knife thrower has to spend points in SG.

Enviromental music keeps playing when logging off - meant or not?
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2011, 07:26:14 pm »

Forced throwing grenades (with ~) doesn't make them dissapear from inventory (unlimited grenades).
"Sanity... is for the weak!"


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2011, 08:32:46 pm »

Tanker guards dont loot.

Metzger is lootable.

Tanker's control room is inaccessible, same as lower deck (not that there's anything anyway).

Zooming wrecks ctrl range viewing in hexes. Over 100% zoom don't show range at all, less than 100% and the range is shown in wrong location.

Npcs with around 80 hp are very easy to assasinate with superstimpaks and guards won't retaliate. Only ten are needed to kill them. Problem is with those npcs that take long to respawn. For example, tanker Vendors take over 20mins. They can be suicidebursted aswell with cheap smg.

When using a drug on npc, it shows the npc's ID rather than name in the message.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 08:45:07 pm by avv »
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Known issues
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2011, 11:24:58 pm »

Mercs: RL woman merc runs away from encounters, if set to "dont attack until someone hits me or you".

I have had the same problem with the mutant, the ghoul sniper, and a plasma chick.

I went through all the different ways to set their combat, and even selected the run away option again in an attempt to reset the option and pick another instead.
It seems no matter what options i select, they do not fight anything, they simply run out of the map.

Its kinda funny, but makes mercs useless.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 11:27:59 pm by xX_chAos_Xx »


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2011, 01:59:41 pm »

Last Gasp saloonowner tells false price for beer
He is also lootable when killed, providing infinite free beer because you get your money back.
Tanker's beer quest doesn't work. There is no note in pip-boy after getting it, nor any dialogue when bringing those beers.

Wrong price for beer in rawhide

Khan raiders don't care if you invade their personal space, nor do they care if you take their loot after versus encounter. Will check if their repuation works correctly soon.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #37 on: November 15, 2011, 04:24:10 pm »

Killing Khan Raiders has no impact on Raiders reputation.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Known issues
« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2011, 08:05:20 pm »

- after entering the HUB Arena (got into the ring itself) i didn't get my weapon (Super Sledge) back (<-- im not sure if this is really new/already known because i never entered this arena before on 2238 too)
-  bulletin board in HUB (under the Iguana shop): dialog "4. Job: Waterboy" doesn't work.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 08:21:55 pm by Balthasar »


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2011, 04:12:49 pm »

When i used a hand on a Train i stole it, it has 0/100 fuel and it was in my inv. GM cleared my inv and helped me.

Perks which doesnt work:

Big/Small Guns/Armourer lower   Repair 50       Small/Big Gun Crafting 1        ok
Big/Small Guns/Armourer higher  Repair 100      Small/Big Gun Crafting 2        ok
Energy lower    Science 50      Energy Crafting 1       ok
Energy Higher   Science 100     Energy Crafting 2       ok

Swift Learner - not working with silver geckos

Cathedral Quest with rats, cant finish it after i killed all rats - no info about job i done. Finished the quest bud didnt get any exp only reward, dont know if its bug or not FIXED

Gun Runners FEDEX quest - Adtym delivery - no reward

Bulletin board in SF doesnt work

No bulletin board in VC

Wasnt able to reach SF via train

Fiber weight 0 grams

Missing gate script in JT

Highwayman have fucked trunk - cant aim it

Tents made with 100 outdoors have locked doors

Selling items to DOC in NCR rise karma

Helmets have same weight as armor

Tesla hemlet doesnt have modifiers

Water bags with water can be sold for 250caps ( without water 25 caps) FIXED

Cooldown on Crafting/Sience/Repair when craftin 0 lvl items (1min for brass knuckles)

888 Gun shop: Dialog-> Tell me about this place -> there is option "i`ve got your Gun Runners...." even if i havnt it, or didnt took quest from Gun Runners

Klamath: Bulletin boards doesnt work

DEN: Flick quest: -> missing Josef, cant find him in Town.

DEN: Bulletin boards doesnt work

Cigarettes Crafting Machine can be taken in to invenotry

White flare dont vanish after time

Binds: Use item doesnt work, client saves settings but they dont work in game.

Binds: Aim atacks doesnt work with unarmed, it is working only with some weapon (ie power fist).

Perks: In Your Face - doesnt work against burst weapons, also barely works against unarmed atacks.

Drugs: JET doesnt give armor penalty to characters with 1ST.

Traits: Kamikaze doesnt give DR penalty to characters with 1ST.

Quote from: Lexx on Today at 11:36:39
Cathedral Dweller quest is not finished if you only kill rats. Added some xp reward as well.

Figured it out, i get msg when killed all Venom Plants on lowest lvl. BTW this plants could have some range atack coz right now its easy to kill them by all champs except unarmed.
One more thing about lowest lvl, its not a bug but: in Combat Mode (pressed A) my FPS drops drastically coz of this red highlights around mobs. Is there some way to turn it off?

One more thing about this quest which can be exploitable - rats on lvl 1 and 2 respawn after 4 or 5 min, i know that 25 EXP is not much but there are also this fuckers which gives 200 EXP ( need to check if Venom Plants are respawning too)
- checked plants dont respawn, but other mobs respawning. Same problem in other quest where are some mobs

« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 05:37:08 pm by DocAN. »
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: Known issues
« Reply #40 on: November 16, 2011, 06:39:54 pm »

- Dialog bugs
Bos Quartermaster in NCR when asking about bg he offers laser pistol, and when asking about energy he offers flamer

- Quest bugs
Can't join BOS by talking with guard in Lost hills, he asking rockets or ammo and than don't want to take (joining working in NCR)
Can't end BOS "bunker" quest (must deliver info from bunker to lost hills) but Quartermaster and Paladin dont want to talk

Can't enter all BOS quest  locations with car (don't know bug or not)


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2011, 07:20:11 am »

Can't enter all BOS quest  locations with car (don't know bug or not)
Prolly there is no parking slot in the map
Why would you argue with someone, while you can kill him.
Re: Known issues
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2011, 08:14:20 am »

Prolly there is no parking slot in the map
For sure, but a lot of empty space on the map.


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Re: Known issues
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2011, 02:05:03 pm »

Quest: BoS -> Ghost Farm - no EXP reward or Reputation boost.

Quest: To join Raiders -> have 150 slaves reputation, and still havent dialog abou Raiders (mb quests like just changed?)

Items: Helmets cant be destroyed like an armor (blowed, melted)

Mechanic: Skills -> Repair: no matter how low Repair skill i have i always maintance successful when repairing buy using other item. (dont know if its bug or not)

Mechanic: NPC -> Looting: NPCs dont Blueprints, when they kill player.

Followers: Cows -> When buyin a Cow its HP drops ( Went to NCR cow trader, he had 2 cows with 42HP. I bought one and shes HP drops to 25 ) There is similar bug with DOGs.

Followers:A traveller -> Dont want to follow, i said: "You look like somone familiar", then chat window close and NPC had some text above head: "Lets go" or something, but he didnt follow.

Map bug: Hinkley -> it is possible to enter new Arena from World Map.

Hinkley: Improved Flamer should use Mk2 Fuel

Map bug: NCR train station -> When train arrives to station it kills players on the platform :)

Map bug: Navarro -> Chair :D

Quest: HUB "Find the missing Fuzzy Painting" -> Its not possible to finish this quest: First of all Fuzzy Painting is avaible only once in game, or when some GM respawn New Reno map. 2nd even with this painting in inventory i wasnt able to finish this quest: dialog with npc have only 1 answear "sorry, nothing thus far. Ill keep on looking, bye!"

Quest: Boneyard "Gun Runners Caravan Package" -> when You move to quest location alone and You die there, this location will disappear, so there will be no way to finish the quest or loot Yourself.

Quest: Tanker : cant use rope to move down (bug appear after last update).

Encounter: Famers near Klamath -> there is no option to speak with them, miss the icon with head.

Reputation: Gun Runners -> Cant access to GR Factory with LIKED status. - edit: need 1000 Karma to get access.

Map Traveling: Car driving -> When moved to BH by car it stoped just b4 the town, i entered map and left car in front of town. Entered town and moved back to car, but it moved to town location.

Dialog: Hub FLC -> Some Dev Note:

Mechanic: Bank Interest Rate -> Bank shouldnt have it. I made Zilion caps in a week.

Mechanic: Unarmed Atacks -> Unarmed atacks dont give any Crit boost. Tested it with Pirecing strike, Haymaker and Power Kick.
Below there is a log file where i made 43 Piercing Strike hits (+40 Crit Chance), was aiming in eye (+60% crit chance) with Bonus HtH Damage+ Perk (+15% crit chance) and had ONLY 23 crits. Its around 50% crit ratio a way to low. After that i used Power Fist and had similar result.

Dialog/Merc prices as on screen: (btw ninja is a Nigger with hammer who is unable to run :D)

Found another bug: "A Travellers" are looting players, just saw how one looted a guy who were arming Bomb, player get shoted by NPCs but "a Traveler" looted bomb from ground, few sec later he blowed up

Mechanic/Map bug: as on screen:

Dialog/Script bug: Screen will explain it:

Dialog/Mechanic: Caravan traders have dialog: "..... Would You like to trade?" but they dont have any items.

Mechanic: Grenades Range -> Its says that Plasma Nade requires 4ST but with 4ST my max rng is 12. And when i have 5 ST max rng is 15, same with Frag Grenades 3ST requires but with 4ST my rng is 12.

Quest: Industrial Park: Quest is bugged, cant complete it. Tried all options, with diferent ALTs.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 02:43:32 pm by DocAN. »
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg
Re: Known issues
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2011, 12:18:19 am »

-Anything that you try to bind for items besides ctrl, alt, or shift. When I try to bind an item, the ctrl, alt, shift part will save properly, but any button I try to add to that bind won't actually save. For example if I bind superstims to "Ctrl+J", it will just save it as "Ctrl+".

-Bind for using super stimpacks doesn't work Fixed along with keybind fix

The "Use Items" bindings save properly now, but I still can't get them to work in-game.

-This error message show when trying to save binds under Windows 7 64 bit. No errors under Windows XP. Click on the "details" and paste. Edit: possibly fixed, recheck

After the update I don't get this error anymore.
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