Other > Winter 2011/2012

Known issues

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--- Quote from: Saumax on November 09, 2011, 08:07:19 am ---or they simply run 10-20 hexes and come back

--- End quote ---

at least half of the npc's in bh do this thing when being hostile , some don't.

You can literally fuck yourself up with chem reliant.

Then again, take agi1 and bruiser and your life is ruined too.

Most 0tier ammo has no requirements, but materials to craft them have.

Joining raiders has been changed somehow. After doing Jesusquest, I didn't have the option to ask about Raiders.[/color]


 got attacked/killed after this on spawn point too ...reputation is vilified then with "LA citizens"
(this attacking on respawn point was reported before also by others and happened to me at other respawns too already)


-reputation in VC still stays at neutral (0) after finishing 2 of the VC quest as citizen (no Altruist was used to clear rep before)

-after finishing the 3rth quest (collect some books) you even get -100 to "Citizens of VC"

-Boneyard train station --> exit grid doesnt work when train isnt there
(came with the train there for the first time and let it pass...wanted to go out but it didn't work...no lag issue!)
also...to get to NCR from Boneyard it travels through the desert almost up to redding then going back to NCR region (which makes no sense imo) ...same vice versa ( NCR --> Boneyard)

-no option to go to SF with train it seems (or only randomly available --> someone already went from LA to SF) tested it 2 times and didn't get the option while the first time it should have been there (came from VC --> NCR --> Boneyard)

It is rather hard to confirm majority of reports here, WHEN WHOLE TOWNS ARE MURDERED. STOP THIS. IT IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.


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