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Corvega fixed
Oh god I want it :D
--- Quote from: Gob on October 30, 2011, 04:38:44 pm ---Oh god I want it :D
--- End quote ---
Okay, there you are.
I welded shut every chink, cleaned the whole surface and paint EVERYTHING a stylish gray. I hope you like it.
Gold Highwayman 8)
Hm looks like there are a lot of cars around well I have some pimped up cars too. A fail at the corvega some police cars different version of carwrecks one usable with lamps and a truck a red cargo truck.
Btw I had a try at the other Highwayman too but my didn't ended up so good as yours Ras just like my Corvega car though it was a bigger fail so I don't dare to post it.
--- Quote from: Lizard on October 30, 2011, 09:39:25 pm ---YET ANOTHER HALF-FABRICATE
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Lizard, stop distracting yourself and get your shit done, goddamnit, before you drag another heap of scrap in your "garage".
Also, Currvega.
No, really. Your projects need more dedication, you almost finish and start another and whine about "blocks". Okay, i'm still undone with NCR trooper texture, too...
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