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Thanks to The Hawks
Iam playing this game around 2 weeks, for all time killed me some random players or some bigger groups together, but one time I found The Hawks, as they called self. I met them, when they killed some group of 8 people bad people, which before killed me a stole my stuff. They gave me back my stuff, which I lost before, they also gave me some advicies how to alive in the wastland, 10brahmin hides to the tent, some caps to profesions, help me with my character, told me about this forum and fonline wiki and I must say that playing this game is much easier. So I would like to thank them, because they are good guys, which first in this game help me and I would like to ask if is possible join to their club?
PS: Sorry for my bad english
Heh :) hawks doing something good , other than winning fights with militia.
--- Quote from: Pilz on October 19, 2011, 12:27:35 pm ---they killed some group of 8 people bad people, They gave me back my stuff, which I lost before, they also gave me some advicies how to alive in the wastland, 10brahmin hides to the tent, some caps to profesions, help me with my character, told me about this forum and fonline wiki
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Antipk formality, nothing special :)
Yes, they are nice guys, but they are cz and only few their members talk in english :-[ So it's very hard to cooperate when u doing tc or other pvp actions :'(
--- Quote from: T-888 on October 19, 2011, 12:45:19 pm ---Heh :) hawks doing something good , other than winning fights with militia.
--- End quote ---
I dont know, buy the militia is normal, when you hold the city (all use the militia, except BBS of course), and if you have less people and the opportunity to break timer with a smaller number of people (we lost our stuff to stop your timer), then you buy a militia, instead use mercs in normal fights like you (for example, in Redding mine). Its just one of the mechanisms that can be used in the game for protect your city. And normal people, which thinking, its their own decision if they will attack on the city with milicia or can always go to TC in Modoc, Klamath. At the same time we havent problem going to fight in Reno or elsewhere without a militia and none mercs and with less people. Milicia is abuse, we confirm it, but if you have in game three, four gangs around one city or unsuitable characters, that can kill you enemies snipers on full range, then milicia is advatage for you. I think that victories, were more without milicia.
To Pilz:
We are glad that you gave feedback and we can talk about it:
* You can find us on IRC channel: #Hawks
* Forum: www.hawks.forumczech.com
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