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Author Topic: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.  (Read 11570 times)


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2011, 04:27:33 pm »

How about just make Poker playable at NCR's table?
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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2011, 10:12:34 am »

Poker is mostly about emotions, not about who's got the best cards, aren't it? If so, then it's pointless to add it to the game. On the other hand, Arcomage or something similar, makes perfect sense.


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2011, 10:36:59 am »

If I remember correct, TLA has a poker script. Though, judging by our scripters emotions, the script is very.. uhm... complicated. :> That's why we haven't taken it over yet.

What I personally would love to have is something like pvp gambling, even minor card games, etc. Something that gives some social sidecontent.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 10:39:28 am by Lexx »


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2011, 01:00:41 pm »

What I personally would love to have is something like pvp gambling, even minor card games, etc. Something that gives some social sidecontent.

Give this a try then:


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2011, 02:25:16 pm »

Why not invent a simple card game for the purpose of Fonline then?
I mean classic-styled card game, like a simplified bacarat or blackjack.
Here's my extremely-reduced idea and implementation in the terms of gameplay:

The game is called BRAHMIN SNATCHING, it plays in a dialog box just like crops in Fallout.

Both players draw 3 cards and keep their value secret. There's no need for keeping track of other cards (deck) after this, so mechanics-wise its just about randomising 3 values of 1-10 per player.

To incorporate the element of Luck (from SPECIAL), random card's (1st or 2nd or 3rd) value is substituted by a random number between its initial value and Luck (meaning that low luck can lower this value, while high luck can make it higher).

Now both players get to choose a card from their enemy's hand and discard it (Choose 1, 2 or 3)
This is a part where bluf and poker-face come into play. A roll against Gamble is made during this step for each player.
On success, a player gets a verbose hint about which enemy card is highest ("You sense that the second card is your opponent's best bet")
On failure, player doesn't get any hint at all ("You can't seem to read anything from your opponent's face")
If critical success and failure are to be incorporated, critical success means succes for one player and overrides a success of the other (if any, making it failure). Critical failure gives a pointer like normall success but to the wrong (lowest) card! If both players roll critical success or failure simultaneously, it counts as if they both had normal successes or failures.

Whoever has a total closer to 20, wins the game!

If both players have the same total, the game is a draw.

That's it. Now a little explanation:

- Why is this solution good?
Because its easy to code and doesn't recquire any non-text resources (gfx, sounds) and its equally easy to implement for PvE games (NPC always picking the suggested card depending on its Gamble roll) and for PvP games. Besides it's somewhat random and somewhat based on stats giving a nice mix of real-life luck coupled with in-game Luck and Gamble.
- How could this be used for PvP ecatly?
It could be used together with barter-like window to place bets on both sides.

I think Lexx and Andr3aZ are gonna like the last 2.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 02:45:14 pm by Cold_Fusion »
-= It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice. =-


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2011, 02:57:02 pm »

Gamble skill must be totally out of the calculation, or else 'abuse' with gamble-alts will start.


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2011, 04:01:06 pm »

My linked suggestion is simply altering the already implemented dice to become a non-fakeable dice, because afaik the current dice just post a random number in the .e emote font style.

Would be easy to implement and nice to have imo. What players do with this dice is up to them.


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2011, 08:14:40 pm »

Gamble skill must be totally out of the calculation, or else 'abuse' with gamble-alts will start.

Dude, thinking like this one should render all skills useless, coz every skill asks for an alt specialised with it!
If someone wants to play a gambler to make his money, then why the hell not?

Especially that NPC-Gamblers' rewards would be small bets like 200 cash at a time and You can't always win anyways.
Besides, cooldown would be added to Gamble, representing the strain (just like with every other skill-related action).

If You want simple bets for Players only, then yeah, dice are fast and easy, but to mirror usage of Gamble skill ingame (Player Character's knowledge of tecniques, cheats, his gambling intuition etc.) my idea is simple and efficient, no?
-= It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice. =-


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2011, 08:55:12 pm »

 My diploma thesis was about intellectual property, so i can give you little advice. In general, rules and ideas of any game could not be protected by intellectual property law. Only graphic, text, name of the game,.. . So if you avoid to use same names, text or graphics in your game, you will not violate the intelectual property law.

 On other way, you could violate the competition law or bussiness law. More probably the competition law, but it would be very hard to prove, that your "game in the game" caused harm to holder of rights of Arcomage card game. If i would have more time, i can focus on some recently solved cases of similar topic, but i dont think it would be neccesary. If you little modify the card rules, there should not be any fear of legal consequences.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 09:18:10 pm by Lordus »
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2011, 10:43:46 pm »

Dude, thinking like this one should render all skills useless, coz every skill asks for an alt specialised with it!

PvE gambling would be extremely easy with a pimped up gamble character. You could make money like nothing else. It will result in a lot people going to the machines, producing money. We actually had this issue already in the very beginning.

PvP gambling would be extremely unfair if a pimped up gamble character is playing against a "normal" character. It will either result in nobody playing against anyone anymore or everyone using a gamble alt. Both situations are bad for the gameplay and if a situation can be abused, it will be abused.

Alts are not good. If we try to get rid of them, we shouldn't add situations to the game, where alts are very useful (nobody skills his main character - who needs to be able to fight and maybe craft - to a good gambler).
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 10:48:49 pm by Lexx »


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2011, 12:26:42 pm »

PvE gambling would be extremely easy with a pimped up gamble character. You could make money like nothing else. It will result in a lot people going to the machines, producing money. We actually had this issue already in the very beginning.
If  you cap maximum caps you can gain per hour and risk factor would be involved, I dont see anything wrong in it. Imagine gambling in New Reno, you might farm some caps, but in the same time, you could get shot while leaving New Reno and lose everything. Its similar to farming staff in encounters.
Gambling skill could only slightly affect chance of winning or net gain. (common logarithm or cube root functions)

PvP gambling would be extremely unfair if a pimped up gamble character is playing against a "normal" character. It will either result in nobody playing against anyone anymore or everyone using a gamble alt. Both situations are bad for the gameplay and if a situation can be abused, it will be abused.
If other player would get basic idea how good the other player is in gambling, it might solve both results.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 12:31:12 pm by Sarakin »
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2011, 01:53:43 pm »

Give this a try then:
I like this.
If  you cap maximum caps you can gain per hour
Actually after too much wins casinos ban you, for being suspected oif cheating.
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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2011, 02:05:03 pm »

And then you create another alternative character and continue. Singleplayer rules don't apply to an MMO like 2238.


  • Energy Weapons Maniac
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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2011, 02:51:34 pm »

PvE gambling would be extremely easy with a pimped up gamble character. You could make money like nothing else. It will result in a lot people going to the machines, producing money. We actually had this issue already in the very beginning.

Did You somehow missed the point with cooldowns?
Its just like with every other production (profession/skill) => cooldown => limiting income.

Besides, like Sarakin said, gambling is most popular in dangerous places:
Den, Redding, Reno...
-= It was the cleansing of the planet. The inattention by those who came before caused the holy fires. It was justice. =-


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Re: Implement Tragic the Garnerning as Arcomage conversion.
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2011, 02:55:20 pm »

Did You somehow missed the point with cooldowns?
Last time I checked there was no "mining" skill.
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