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Mutilator's guide to HTH builds

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--- Quote from: iiitachiii on June 08, 2010, 06:30:15 pm ---Roachor, will you tell me please the special, tags and traits of a HtH crit build?

You said it was pretty fun to play and really usefull in pve and that's exactly what I'm looking for.

Care to share? ;D

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yeah sure

my calculator is from tla so it doesnt have awareness, cautious nature is just a placeholder for it.

4 ap eye shots with haymaker (80% chance to crit)


--- Quote from: Ziven on June 08, 2010, 06:24:12 pm ---Well it all depends, i tried out both a toughness/melee dmg build and a pure dmg with 1 luck and I found the tougness build just didn't do enough damage. The thing is you pretty much have the choice of toughness and the inability to trade with npcs or 1 luck and the option to trade. Even with 1 luck you can get crits from eyeshots and even with heavy handed i was getting 70 dmg crits with a reg sledge. You need about 170 melee max for eyeshots, any more is a waste and points that would be better put elsewhere. Mag pers. is a good choice as the problem with solo melee is that against multiple opponents everyone hits you right off the bat and you can only hurt one of them at a time so it helps to spread the damage around. The only diff between your build and my latest is i took 2 action boys instead of lifegiver/mag pers. To get 4 supersledge swings a turn, but having 1 pe means you always go last in tb so I'm more of an rt player with this. I'd take 20 out of melee and up your fa, 150 is pretty ideal in terms of healing done/cooldown so the closer you get the better.

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Hmm i was also considering same but taking out lifegiver and one of the bonus hth dmg perks, having 2x female trappers with rippers sounds like a useful aid
for rt combat so im kinda tempted towards keeping the magnetic personality.
Even without lifegiver i will still get 185 hp at lvl 21

I have a 10 luck build (without finesse) with

more criticals (3)
bonus hth attack
action boy (1)

and it works great to be honest.


--- Quote from: Ziven on June 08, 2010, 06:38:48 pm ---yeah sure

my calculator is from tla so it doesnt have awareness, cautious nature is just a placeholder for it.

4 ap eye shots with haymaker (80% chance to crit)

--- End quote ---

I think I might do a similar build but I'm done with finesse, I have sniper with it and whenever I don't do critical the damage it does is ridiculous...

The reason i use finesse is because punches with 5 str don't do much damage to begin with, and on bypass crits the 30% is ignored plus you get the equivalent of 2 crit perks. I'd rather get 1 hit kills more often then do a few more damage every time, but that's just my preference.


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