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Author Topic: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)  (Read 3507 times)

Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:33:36 pm »

Hello and good day/night. I really love this game and the efford that you put in this. Its awesome.

I have a little question respect whit the movement. Please notice that this is not a complain
I know that some times this question has been asked, but never got explained well, so im going to do my best efford.
I am from Argentina, a nice country in south america, and i have some friends from polish that play too.

So when we fight (citys, hinkley) when i got shotted and im running, my character gets dragged back.
And my buddys, when they got shot, they continue moving like nothing happened.

I already know about the trick of stop and then run, but the problem is that only a few times work (and others u get pulled back), and makes losing like 2-3 seconds staying in place and continuos getting shot again from other enemys.

And some times (almost always happen to me), when we are fighting and some of them stay in a window, when i shot and they move, my weapons fires (minigun, rocket etc) i lose action point and i dont make any damage/miss.
And that almost never happen to my friends.

We have unarmed characters, and when im running to fight vs a gun user, when i get shot its impossible to me to catch my enemy, because he shots and run and i keep getting dragged to the back.
And my friends unarmed character run like nothing and punch the enemys whitout problem or lag. So its impossible to me play a melee-unarmed-trower character because i cant approach to my enemy even having all tank build.

I know that the problem is lag because im far away the servidor, but the bad thing is getting pulled to back.
There is something that you can make to improve the pull-to-the-back problem?

Thanks for you time!


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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 05:44:57 pm »

Not much to do, mainly engine related, and server is far from your country.
Maybe more often sync with the server, not only when interacting with the world... But it would still drag you back often...
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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 06:11:06 pm »

I am from europe and have same issue, you are not alone ;)
My problem is my shittie wireless internet.

For your running problem, try this... Enable always run in options.
If you get shot now while running, and you begin to lag while running, hold shift and click
once to move a hex in normal speed, and click once again to run again. You still loose time,
but not 2-3 seconds ;)

Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 07:04:35 pm »

i got idea, and i think it can support huge ping players

so - if player have 764 ping  - same to npc at random encounter.
to prevent abuse by other players with low ping - set same ping to followers or players that enter map.

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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2011, 10:21:12 pm »

Same thing happen to me, i cancel with my last internet provider (FUCK YOU INFINITUM)
Now i have a decent connection (200kb-500kb in mornings) and my ping is 200-300. But i still with the same problem, when i get a shot my character begins to dance and die.
Is there a way to solve this?
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2011, 09:28:42 am »

I got this same problem with my old computer, now I got new computer and better connection no problems at all.
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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2011, 10:22:51 am »

Yes, this problem sucks for the people further away from the server, I'm in the 300-400 ping range and you get used to it and adapt to it after a while (I'm pretty good at stopping after getting shot then running again but sometimes you have to stop a few times still because it doesn't work) but sometimes it is really annoying such as when you want to move just one hex around a corner then move back but you get shot and just keep getting dragged backwards, or if you want to move in a group and your friend just bumps into you, you start getting dragged back again. We call it "Moonwalk" and not sure if the only fix is moving closer to the server :p
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 10:26:16 am by Simon »
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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2011, 07:25:02 pm »

Of course your polish friends have no lag. Their ping is 80.
I think that all from North and South America have lags, ping +250, etc....

What bother me more is when I shoot, I do the movement, loose AP, but bullet remains in my weapon.

But, some times lag is good:
First, I shoot.
Second, I wait him to equip his weapon.
And finaly I hit him at the right moment!


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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2011, 07:46:27 pm »

I sometimes have problems with connection, I'll log and play and it'll go offline, Like last night my brother and i were playing with my friend, He stayed online, While for me and my brother it said it was down. Anyways when this happens alot i just wait a little and then jump back on and it works.
-All i can do is deal with it for now.
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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2011, 03:43:12 pm »

So, some Developer can response this please? Can be changed/coded in some way?
Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2011, 06:00:54 pm »

I'm not dev, but I don't think I need to be to answer:
You can play normally in FPS because it doesn't checks your position every milisecond like in FOnline, that's why if you have, for example, ping 500, you won't move faster than 1 hex in 0.5 seconds, if your ping is 5k, then you'll move 1 hex every 5 second, you don't see it during non-combat, because it doesn't update for you every time, and you see your character further in move than he really is for everyone else on server, while in combat everytime someone attacks you, it synchronize position with you and you see your real position, sometimes I can see players teleporting on 10-20 hexes, especially if they instantly changing direction of run, it means I got lag and missed some of thier moves.
Try to run somewhere 30 second in a row in one direction (in some big town), then drop some item and start run back in other direction, later, you'll see your character teleported back droping that item if you have high ping, because this is one of actions that forces to check your position and synchronize it.
If you have low ping you won't see much problems.

If say in short: synchronizing.
If you see someone running 1 hex and then stoping, then again running and stoping, etc., that guy has high ping.
Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2011, 12:41:31 am »

You can play normally in FPS because it doesn't checks your position every milisecond like in FOnline

But then must be a way to code it, because if in FPS can be coded, here i think that can be doit too. Maybe remove the checks every miliseconds and replace for some other tracking device.
Im not asking to remove all the lag problem, because its impossible if the server doesnot move next to my house, im just asking about the drag-to-back problem. Maybe some code of those fps games can be taked to solve the problem ¿?¿? i dont know
« Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 12:44:07 am by Savager »
Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2011, 12:45:25 am »

Possible cheating then. And you can go through others, etc.
Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2011, 11:14:45 am »

But then must be a way to code it, because if in FPS can be coded, here i think that can be doit too.

UDP in place of TCP is a start.
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Re: Movement and lag issues (Dev Question)
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2011, 05:57:29 am »

Heres a question: I lag all the time in this game, it gets annoying too. Since I am using sattelite, and therefor have a higher ping, is there anything I can do to try and cut back on the lag?
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