Other > Faction Announcements
Talked to crazy88 guys
--- Quote from: Josh on September 26, 2011, 01:09:08 am ---Warnings are issued on the bullets they fire, TTTLA will shot anyone who enters during TC, even if you are in allied faction, with no warning. If TC is going on its best to go elsewhere because they take it very (perhaps too) seriously. Also don't even consider standing next to enemies or *gasp* conversing in a business manner with TSAR during peace time. You will be labeled outlaw regardless of it having been ok'd that you remain on neutral terms with TSAR prior to incident. Bureaucracy at its finest.
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You should understand that this game allows alting and that during a battle you can't never be sure if the low level character in cheap gear standing in front of you is an innocent guy or a spy. And no offense but going into a location where a fight is going on is simply not the best choice.
Also sometimes someone does shoot an innocent dude, but it would be awesome if people, instead of raging against the whole faction, saw this incident as an act that was probably a mistake by an individual and not an evil plot the faction came up with, or what's even worse, blame the whole alliance about it (for example this thread is about C88, but Josh is talking about TTTLA). Just send us a PM, or get into our IRC channel if something happens, and ask for an explanation - preferably in a nice way, after all we are not enemies and that's why you ask for an explanation. If instead, you rage and go "this faction sucks they're all a bunch of assholes" there's no point in complaining if you get killed again. Of course, nobody won't answer quickly during a battle because fighters would rather not be distracted, but I guess we don't really have to put much emphasis on that detail.
We've made mistakes in the past just like anybody else. But then some of our innocent victims got in contact with us and we returned his items with an apology.
And yes, things can get a little bit bureaucratic sometimes, but that should not be a surprise in a big gang with a lot of things on its agenda, and a lot of problems as well.
Oh, and an additional note: remember that in this game where people alt freely, you can be some lonely PK, kill a bluesuit who has just recently joined the game, and tell him "lolo i am crazy88 suffer n00b" - and the newbie will actually believe the PK is C88 when he is not.
So, as said, there are a lot more reasons to talk about stuff nicely instead of hating.
During TC all strangers are considered spies.
If you get shot entering a town during TC several of the APK factions (like C88) allow you to get your stuff back when the TC is over.
--- Quote from: Eternauta on September 26, 2011, 03:10:37 am ---Oh, and an additional note: remember that in this game where people alt freely, you can be some lonely PK, kill a bluesuit who has just recently joined the game, and tell him "lolo i am crazy88 suffer n00b" - and the newbie will actually believe the PK is C88 when he is not.
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Or they (reese) say you've been blacklisted by ... gang.
Make a screenshot when that happens and ask the gang about it when it's an APK gang.
If a gang acts becouse of personal issues, the previously "Anti-PK" rules are overwritten by personal issues. Few weeks ago it was only TTTLA and C88 that didint have any peaceful town for their own that they cared about. One question remains, if a gang is 95% into TC and in TC everybody is to be shot (by the several explainations above) then at what moment have that gang right by the common sense to call themselves "Anti-PK"? :) I guess, its the other 5%, in encounters, some short moments when they control towns and are in town. Attacking peaceful town like Redding is probobly not part of this "Anti-PK" excuse, or maybe it is? I think you guys should precise your ideology more detailed.
They created their imaginary rules when they can PK innocent, peacful people (they can kill anyone when they go through process of changing pipboy status) and when they can't (although even these rules are broken by them sometimes). It's fine, but it has nothing to do with justice :) I can create my imaginary rules too - kill only in mines and only people with hammers, hey I won't even loot them! Then I'm anti-pk who never pks unless you mine ore.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on September 26, 2011, 02:38:26 pm ---They created their imaginary rules when they can PK innocent people (they can kill anyone when they want change text message that is visible in pipboy or when they think person is "spy" or dangerous) and when they can't (although even these rules are broken by them sometimes). It's fine, but it has nothing to do with justice :)
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I am ( as you all know) not much into the game, let alone all thos faction wars, twists, fights and what not, but even I noticed that the past few weeks when I was more active ingame on both the GM and normal account. There was a time when I actually believed that they do some good stuff in the wasteland and I thought this Lawyer stuff was an elaborate and noble attempt to bring some good stuff into the game. Boy, how was I wrong. :P
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