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Good Sniper Builds

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This perk only apply for Turn Based mode.

Exactly, so if you use the turn based mode

(i use this mode)

It's useful but there are other that might be a better to choose than that.If your going to be a sniper,chances are your going to have a good amount of distance between you and the target anyway.Instead I use perks like lifegiver,toughness,bonus rate of fire(which doesnt work right now).If your going for a crit build it takes up to 4 perks leaving only 3 more for anything else

It can be useful if you shoot only at long range, but as Tyler said, some other perks might be more useful : Lifegiver, Sharpshooter, Toughness...


--- Quote from: Attero on February 24, 2010, 10:01:39 am ---237 with no light penalty (+40 at night)

if (target_ac + weapon_ac_mod > 0) tohit -= target_ac + weapon_ac_mod; // weapon_ac_mod is usually negative

--- End quote ---

Thanks for a straight answer  :).


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