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Author Topic: Proxy  (Read 6106 times)

Re: Proxy
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2011, 03:59:23 pm »

Acually i think that the only way to deal with proxies and dual loggin is:

1. Make the game registration for one account with few characters (however this works only with pay to play games, and even there some people could pay for more accounts, but that wouldint be all that bad thing no? However as we know this game will not become pay-to-play as far i am concerned)

2. Make one character enough to work well for everything he needs. Scouting, Mercs world map, tent making, new member base adding and bringing. All those things need two players to do at least. You cant attack a town without scouting it (ofcourse, right now one person scouts and second is ready to fight, but scouting is boring, really), the whole thing with mercs on world map camping grid spawns is somehow tactical but if you think about it its just ridicules (in my opinion everything spawning on your head or you spawning on others head like in some encounters is ridicules acually). Tents, as you cant have a crafter and a good fighter in same character, you have to have two characters, and its good for both to see the tent, you either got a friend to log into one of those or you risk your character to be stolen, or you dual log... Same with base (hopefully those two will change "soon" as it seems).
Re: Proxy
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2011, 04:37:48 pm »

Yes if the game would be less " alt consuming " and existing characters more universal we could leave the proxies behind, for example if cooldowns would be removed we wouldn't need to use proxies to gather resources otherwise you can get old and die by playing this game , i think this is what the game actually needs.

As for shutting down proxies/dual logs , it's easy , make one account per IP that can use multiple alts , new IP's just " bind " to an account so that you can't use more than one account at a time , heck i even had an idea how all the alts could be named the same , like if you have only one character , your still the same person even using other characters but you still use multiple alts , in my opinion that would be awesome, no more baseraping noobies that can just make new account/alts and keep on trolling the server and community and i think i don't need to give more examples just too obvious , in other words anonymity would disappear and the " RP effect " would take place in the game. Like you make your choices , friends and foes and you don't have the option to make new account and suddenly be a different person , that is just wrong. I'm not a fan of hardcore RP but it seems a lot of people would like this since it would make the gameplay more enjoyable and falloutish :)
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 04:43:15 pm by T-888 »
Re: Proxy
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2011, 08:19:22 pm »

This post will break your dreams but...
This topic is about proxies, it means you can have different IPs, it means your suggestion is failed.


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Re: Proxy
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2011, 08:28:05 pm »

2. Make one character enough to work well for everything he needs.

This is must. Like destroyer said, tent making and base adding is damn boring and time consuming with friends but if you have dual-log it's done in 20mins. Loners can only dream of having tents next to every town. In gang life self-sustenance is respected and having to ask for favours is tiresome because one's pals have to stop doing whatever they were doing and go help their friend. But if you have proxy, everything that requires 2 chars is done very fast and comfortably.
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Re: Proxy
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2011, 08:39:03 pm »

Imho removing proxy would not remove cheating. Private VPN are common option.
Yes, for cheaters proxy setting in client is just help, but if it'll be removed cheaters anyway will cheat, there is many programs which can redirect connection through proxy and this "10%" will be even more angry ;P
IMO proxy isn't bad if you still are playing on one character, even it can lower your ping if your trace is going by shitty way (of course I'm not talking about free proxies...) and that proxy is in same country and go by another way :)

Re: Proxy
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2011, 08:53:09 pm »

This post will break your dreams but...
This topic is about proxies, it means you can have different IPs, it means your suggestion is failed.

It's an idea that touches the subject of proxies i don't see why i couldn't add it to the discussion. If i really wanted to make a suggestion i would make it in the appropriate forum section. btw go troll elsewhere.

Re: Proxy
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2011, 08:57:38 pm »

But IPs aren't only proxies, you can't control people to have only one IP, if only GMs will visit all players and watch them playing FOnline, or make private server where you can't freely register a character and where are static number of players and no new players are allowed, or else you can be "new player" who want to register a character and there's no way to check if you're really new or you simply want to make an alt. So your idea about one player - one character can be done only in small closed community where everyone knows each other and already have a character from begining and no new regisration allowed later.
Re: Proxy
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2011, 09:38:05 pm »

Okay i see your point now , but we can control how much accounts can be used per IP , it would mean if you would want to use a different account on a proxy IP you would always need to have the same proxy since their unstable and you always have to pretty much find a new one , like bye free proxies ? Have this feeling this somehow wouldn't work but can put my finger on it.


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Re: Proxy
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2011, 09:52:58 pm »

One IP per account (meaning 1 account housing several characters) would mean:
- no character sharing
- no playing from other places
- no game for dynamic IP users
- no game for siblings/family

Even with "one IP per several accounts" rule, you wouldnt help yourself much. Not a good way how to restrict those 10% of server pop.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: Proxy
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2011, 01:51:09 pm »

Proxies are anyway mostly used only to bypass or workaround inconviniently designed or missing features of game. (making safe parking places, crafting, looting, taxiing, dragging mercs.....). Proxiing is just symptome of different illness. Dont make up straighteners for benders.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: Proxy
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2011, 02:38:40 pm »

Proxies are anyway mostly used only to bypass or workaround inconviniently designed or missing features of game. (making safe parking places, crafting, looting, taxiing, dragging mercs.....)

Indeed and only way to get rid of proxies is to build the game so that players aren't tempted to use them.
If using proxies is simply made harder, the skilled cheaters and cheater gangs will prevail still.

Proxy scouting however can only be cured by putting a penalty to death so that players can't just spam their high PE and OD sneak dual logs in towns, especially during tc.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Proxy
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2011, 08:12:47 pm »

The proxy feature in FOnline config is not for multi-logging.
Proxy feature is for people who can't access internet directly so they use proxy of their network.
Proxy feature is for people who can't access server directly (port blocked, ip-range blocked, etc) so they use an external proxy. If you want to play to FOnline in a FastFood or in an airport for example (or at your work ..).

Since cheaters were banned after patched FOnline to multi-logging or using strange method to fast relog, they start to use this feature to do it again without be detected as fast as before.

This proxy feature can be use to add more feature for the game (but can add more cheat too..) from client side server side or both without modifying client or server. (example if you want to mute, play next, pause music you listen in your favourite player from the game. If server want add an encrypted communication. To force player to use a specific launcher which show ads before playing .. gnehehe ...). But FOnline engine is not dead and we can do almost all these things with SDK.

But now, in most mind proxy=cheater as we got players who break the rules (no multi-logging, no fastrelog) and other player saying everywhere everybody are cheater because they are raging and so another player who start cheating because they hear a guy saying others guy are cheating so they will cheat too!! RHAA!! :p
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Re: Proxy
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2011, 01:38:40 pm »

Proxies is not even half the problem when talking duallog/fastrelog.
The problem is the fact that you can very easily launch more than one game on your computer, allowing you to multilog as much char as you have disk partition/USB key or whatever.
Making the client more robust on this aspect would remove duallog and multilog with one PC, you would need more than one computer to cheat (very small number of people concerned).

This way you keep the proxy feature, permitting a player to use proxy with one char for whatever reason, but you disable the possibility to use it for cheating.

The multi PC/ virtual machine oriented cheats have no way to be addressed other than "build the game so that players aren't tempted to use them. "
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Re: Proxy
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2011, 03:40:09 pm »

Proxies is not even half the problem when talking duallog/fastrelog.
The problem is the fact that you can very easily launch more than one game on your computer, allowing you to multilog as much char as you have disk partition/USB key or whatever.
Making the client more robust on this aspect would remove duallog and multilog with one PC, you would need more than one computer to cheat (very small number of people concerned).

This way you keep the proxy feature, permitting a player to use proxy with one char for whatever reason, but you disable the possibility to use it for cheating.

The multi PC/ virtual machine oriented cheats have no way to be addressed other than "build the game so that players aren't tempted to use them. "
Not really more than one computer, there are a lot of free VM programs and sandboxes...

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