Other > Faction Announcements

Join GN13 today!

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It would be beneficial to both of us to form an alliance. If you have a non faction member who would be able to join us in getting the bunker base it would be appreciated.

I will start looking into it.

Oh hell - maybe i'll give it a shot

I had a faction almost two years ago and now i feel kinda flat without one... (i had to stop playing - and after that my faction begun to scatter)

I'm a hardcore crafter - lvl 12 atm Armorer lvl 2 (will be 3 if someone will borrow me 60 MFC)
When i'm waiting for both my gathering and crafting timeouts to drop i'm usually fixing all the stuff i can find in a base

PS. I'd like to know where are you guys from


You sound like you would be good for the clan. Most of our members are American and some are Canadian and Hungarian. Just register on our website and post your application so I can get a little more info on you. Welcome to G13.


Our faction has decided that we will alliance with yours. I currently have a character that is saving up money and will help with the bunker.

We already have the money, just need a body to help with the purchase, as we will be using some new alts to purchase base some protection at time of purchase would be appreciated. We have BAs and P90c's available for use.


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