Other > Faction Announcements

Join GN13 today!

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--- Quote from: Accents187 on September 20, 2011, 05:22:38 am ---Wallace,

You sound like you would be good for the clan. Most of our members are American and some are Canadian and Hungarian. Just register on our website and post your application so I can get a little more info on you. Welcome to G13.

--- End quote ---

Did that... Awaiting for answer...  ;)

Who the hell are you guys? Where can we know more about you?
I've never seen those nicknames before.

G13 members are usually in gecko mines or the hub. Also, G13 has 20+ members so we are good alone but thanks for the offer anyways. You can learn more about us on the faction website http://generic13.freeforums.org

Gecko mine? Hub? Wtf??!

Guys seriously, if you really have 20+ members (I assume active) just put yourself together and start doing TC. Even 8-10 players is enough to try something...

yes start participating in TC please! we need someone new to shoot at, few days ago I saw for the first time oucasts in action, they died quickly but I appreciate their presence a lot :F

Little tip for You guys if u gonna start TC - if ur fighting with somone lookout for ttla they always backstabb as a third entering team, otherwise u wont see them


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