Depends if we want falloutish environment (bursting a "friend" for loot/lulz) or we wanna make teamplay something that is FUN (some abuse-free teamplay system with several loot mechanics (round robin etc.)).Id really like to see that system, even with some "betraying" (if you think it is so important in Fallout mmo)
Its not like I want to suddenly go all rage-mode, its just loving Fallout - I see a lot of non-PvP potential in this game getting simply wasted. And let's face it - Fallout doesn't recquire any real "skill" in 1 on 1 PvP combat, its all about who hits first or who gets the better crit first (blind/knockdown/knockout/cripple/weapon dropped), so its pretty much only about lulz at another's dude misery without any feeling of accomplishment.
Say statistically, how many "silent 1-Charisma ice-cold killers" are there IRL?
people just being dumb deepshits knowing nothing about RPG or Fallout in general
Friendly fire or collateral damage is not shooting/being shot at the back every time one sees the opportunity to get away with it.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence