So you create the most munchkinning powerbuild with ridicolous STR and then complain it sucks that it cant carry much?
Whats next? Why not just make each SPECIAL point to 10 by default, the poor munchkins would otherwise have some disasvantages during their daily aping? 
That does not change the fact Charisma is lame. But this is about STR, and if I remember it was already discussed before.
It's good thing that STR is going to do even more (perks, melee damage...).
I'd rather see more special balance, to the extent that something like "6-6-6-5-6-6-5" wouldn't be the stupidest and most pointless build ever - it'd be average at all things (like the numbers appear to suggest), and could be tweaked either way to specialise.
Well, it might sound like balanced and realistic build, but thing is that it lacks any imagination and creativity. In other words if you couldn't drop STR for characters that use lighter armors and weapons and do not melee and would be unable to lower CH either, you wouldn't be able to do any variation at all.
The charisma variable is like dead stat, it has several uses and most of them are useless in multiplayer games, other's just create nussiance of not having it, and the last - leading NPCs is just lame (though unfortunately not all disagree).
Ideally talking to NPC would probably matter, but what could REALLY be done to create something that is more than just another need for alt/person (like Modoc major), and does not involve NPCs fighting/working for you? (that's for another topic, but I think strategy games affected by AI are kinda weak).
Rewards? Not really, if that includes just quests you do to level up, you just throw away stats to make it easier to level up.
Repeatable rewards? Would usually result in people doing alts for it.
Well also from another point of view, charisma is the exactly same stat as intelligence. It does not give anything to you, and the best option is to get just as much as you need for perks and skills, no more. Though if skills scaled better and rewarded smaller investments intelligence would be interesting.
Really if anything it would be better if AG1 would work some way instead of everything mattering, leaving little to no choice.