Other > Gang Issues


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--- Quote from: Hololasima on September 30, 2011, 07:04:32 pm ---...Its funny to read how TTLA are so bad. In fact, they are not, they are doing everything in absolutely same way as other gangs do/did. So whats the point? You want "win" this thread? Or you will be happy when TTLA players will not play? Guys, its a game, they are playing it and you have useles hard feelings ... Thats what i think

PS: You really should relax a bit, they are really same cool guys as you or anyone else

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Holo you should often play 2238 then you will understand essence of this conflict and that TTTLA common with C88 puppets arent so cool guys only because they invited you to fight, on their mumble.

I dont understand, there were windows for TC and very few liked its, now seem that very few like that you can TC everytime...

And for TTTLA habits I think that be shooted at the shout FOR THE GREAT JUSTICE is very nice comparing to the usual words you can read.  ;D


--- Quote from: Black Key on September 30, 2011, 02:41:13 pm ---...Reese's gang...

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Just so everyone can know, we aren't "Reese's Gang"...noone wants to be, seriously.
We are just freelancers, part of the GR/DoW/S8/BHH alliance.
If you really want to troll us, you can call us "reese's gang".

Just had to say this.  :)


--- Quote from: McLooter on September 30, 2011, 09:27:56 pm ---Just so everyone can know, we aren't "Reese's Gang"...noone wants to be, seriously.
We are just freelancers, part of the GR/DoW/S8/BHH alliance.
If you really want to troll us, you can call us "reese's gang".

Just had to say this.  :)

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you are my slave, rawr


--- Quote from: -Fojtik- on September 30, 2011, 08:35:39 pm ---Holo you should often play 2238 then you will understand essence of this conflict and that TTTLA common with C88 puppets arent so cool guys only because they invited you to fight, on their mumble.

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I play 2238 enough to know that you acting like a kids with all this "serious" gang things ..


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