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--- Quote from: T-888 on October 03, 2011, 11:30:15 pm ---and maybe call in reese's gang ? ;D

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Do not say it too loud or they will do it :D

All of you should seriously read Lidae's post. According to how you write and argumentate your posts, you didn't read the Wall of Text or either you aren't able to analyze and understand corrently an argumentation from a different point of view from yours.

--- Quote from: Lidae on October 03, 2011, 06:37:22 pm ---For the past several months, the combined forces of C88 and TTTLA have fluctuated heavily from day to day and from hour to hour. During european daytime, on the weekdays, we have usually only a handful of people online, if anybody at all, and the numbers are usually growing toward the evening and culminating at night around 1 or 2 am. The exact reason for this I don't know, but the situation have been the same for much longer than TSAR's recent redding project.

The thing that has changed, however, is the number of enemies of TTTLA and C88. During the summer there was a substantial drought in TC, basically our only enemies were BHH, and we were able to fight them with relatively small numbers. Since TSAR took Redding, however, our enemies have been more numerous. Of course we can't attack an alliance of 20 people if we only have 10 ourselves, especially if you have the 500hp merc militia that is the trademark of TSAR.

Nobody will attack unless there's at least a small chance of winning, this is nothing unique to TTTLA or C88 or any other faction. A fight can be fun even if you lose, but if the numbers are too skewed, the fight will be too one sided to be enjoyable. For this reason we have been forced to wait until the numbers have equalised. The exact moment this happens depends on several factors, including day to day variations, but if the militia is strong you need at least 10 people to try something. If additionally there are enemies to defend, you need more. So when TSAR holds the town, we are forced to wait until we have enough people to strike. It's not our fault that this usually doesn't happen until after midnight, when TSAR is starting to go to bed and CoA get more people online due to people from other time zones coming home from work.

The fact of the matter is that the recent TSAR, BBS, Hawk and Rogue alliance regularly have more than 20 people online, a number that CoA haven't been able to reach in over a month. We are severely outnumbered during the day, just as you are sometimes outnumbered during the night. You are the ones complaining about late attacks, but the same logic can be applied in reverse: you are the ones attacking too early. Are you enjoying the PvE, retaking the town from us each day before we have enough numbers to counter you? You are such cowards for attacking us when there's no chance for an equal fight, trolololo.

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So, I kindly invite everyone so blood thirst to fight with us, to come to our public channel #Crazy88 in Forest.net IRC and we can set up fights checking numbers both of the contenders have.

John Porno:

--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on October 04, 2011, 12:26:45 am ---Dude, I've been around since 2009, my gang has been in dire straits many times and not even once have I set my alarm clock to ring at 3 AM aiming to dodge our opponents and take the towns nobody was guarding at the moment. You guys just keep playing dirty to the extent it defies common sense. That's the difference and that's why you're getting ridiculed and everyone else is not. Deal with it.

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protip: we never set our alarm clocks to 8am the morning on weekends just to take the town, there are just some people that are allowed to stay up past 11pm and dont get send to bed by mommy.


--- Quote from: John Porno on October 04, 2011, 05:23:32 pm ---protip: we never set our alarm clocks to 8am the morning on weekends just to take the town, there are just some people that are allowed to stay up past 11pm and dont get send to bed by mommy.

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Sorry to have girlfriends and/or irl lifes !


--- Quote ---So, I kindly invite everyone so blood thirst to fight with us, to come to our public channel #Crazy88 in Forest.net IRC and we can set up fights checking numbers both of the contenders have.
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This is supposed to be at anytime. You don't have excuses now.

Just for the records: after 5 hours from the invitation nobody still shown up.


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