Other > Closed suggestions
Water bags
Why is it, that my character eats the water bags when he/she drinks out the water from it? Or are my crafted water bags one time useable only and than must be discarded?
Let's see real life example... I walk the desert... I have one water bag filled up... I drink the water... ??? than I discard the empty bag, because I'm a moron ??? ... and finally I find an oasis with a clean spring and I hit my head into a tree asking my self "Why on earth I throw away that stupid water bag when it was no burden to take it and now I can't pack up fresh water to continue my trip in the desert..."
If I make a water container, I won't throw it away... this makes no sense to me.
Suggestion: I suggest, when the water is drank from the bag, an empty water bag should be placed into my inventory.
It's more a bug.
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