Other > Gang Issues

Redding conquered

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Yeah your militia isn't invincible but come on it is kinda OP look at the resources and people needed to overcome it , i hope devs gonna tone down the militia but that's my opinion and a different story so no need to start a 10 page discussion about it :)

I'm happy to see some PAs are in use. :)

Yeh, good fight it was, I really enjoyed though few times I've been sent to respawn and it was inevitable :(

Special thanks to Killian, his super stimpaks and pancor saved my ass for a while :P I don't like fighting NPCs but this time they were busy fighting themselves so it wasn't so bad.. as many people, including me, ran out of ammo repeatedly, and both sides had their bad and good moments during the fight, it can be assumed that both sides enjoyed it.

Gotta admit, though, that a line of gauss snipers is totally devastating. Still, there is a risk involved, I was pretty sure that while advancing, we'd be ambushed by NPCs from the exit grid or bg rush from behind the buildings.. seems like our bg support was doing their job nicely, as few rockets placed into the line of gauss snipers could be quite dangerous.


--- Quote from: T-888 on September 09, 2011, 06:25:24 pm ---Yeah your militia isn't invincible but come on it is kinda OP look at the resources and people needed to overcome it , i hope devs gonna tone down the militia but that's my opinion and a different story so no need to start a 10 page discussion about it :)

--- End quote ---

yes, i agree the militia is OP compared to today's average number of people. There's a talk about it here if you wanna add your 2 cents.

--- Quote from: Surf on September 09, 2011, 06:29:34 pm ---I'm happy to see some PAs are in use. :)

--- End quote ---

Optimus Prime was in NCR ranger armor also xD funny stuff.

Well done, it was a funny evening.


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