Not to mention that less the number of useless client files, the faster server starts up after crash. Seriously. There is over 54 thousands clients registered on the server. Ideally the players should try to remove unneeded ones when possible, otherwise we might want to remove the oldest ones, to speed things up.
I'm too lazy to delete next accs (waiting 10 minutes after each), so you can delete every acc, that has word "delete":
Sometimes this is the only way how to login after using other acc. Once, i tryed to relog, in 20-25 minutes i loggedin by other acc, but client said "Wait 10 minutes till relog", then i went somewhere on like 50 minutes, but he still typing "Wait 10 minutes". I don't know what is it. But when i registered other acc, and then loggedin by my main acc, it's ok. So, now each time if i can't login in 10-15 minutes, i creating acc like "deletethis", and only after registration i can login by my main acc. I tryed to reboot modem, exit and then run again client, nothing helps but registering acc.