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Replaying Fallout 2

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I have recently started replaying Fallout 2 again and I have a problem that maybe someone could help with. I'm running the Killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Project and when I try to enter the tanker area in San Fran, it crashes. Maybe some of you developers/programmers might have a clue as for what to do about this?

You have to be a bit more specific on that.. Do you get a crash message? Or does it just throw you at the desktop? Which version of the RP are you using, and so on...

Tanker works just fine for me, but I have another problem with KF2RP: It crashes in BH when I want to show the letter to Francis and thus, complete the quest. Im playing KF2RP 2.0.

It just throws me to the desktop and says something about the memory not being sufficient. It worked fine at first. I changed nothing. One day I was clearing the aliens out and left San Fran to go get something. When I come back in, it black screens me everytime. So then I reloaded to earlier save slots and no change. Still fucking shuts off EVERYTIME I walk into the grid leading to the tanker. EVEN if I go from the map and try and auto enter the tanker.  Btw, Surf... I am using v2.1.2.b

Download CCleaner. And clean the computer. Had the same problem with Fallout 1. Instead of startin' he said insufficent memory or so. After cleaning the pc everything went just fine.


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