Other > Closed suggestions
regarding stealing-thieving
So a good thief should be careful not to become too famous. That't logical. Not the worst idea on this forum :]
This should come only with disabling stealing animation.
And it might be a source of possible exploits (like blocking).
Well, it need not be a 'poking', just a block of using steal on the person that tagged you. Or automatic fail. As simple as that.
Yeah, because in real life you always see person you'd like to see. Imagine that you tag me in real life and after a year I sneak from behind your back to steal your items yet you do know I'm there. You always know. That's preposterous and idiotic. Stealing needs some boostin not nerfin like that. The only thing you guys don't get is that what player sees is not what character sees. If you want to pose and look cool in towns you have to watch for thieves. It's just as simple as making one simple step. But hey, I'm a great gang leader so every other player who even looks in my direction should critically explode because I'm that aweome. Adding the poke thing, not talking bout possible exploits, would totally eliminate the sneak/surprise/shock element, which is one of the main techniques we use. When you walk through a crowded town and someone steals your phone while just passing by, you prolly won't notice. But with this thin ON thievery will be dead.
tl;dr just mark thief names red by yourself guys and watch out, simple
My bad, looks like I read sth that wasn't written :] Well, I would support such 'blocking' if it would last for about 5 min. Just when you feel (or know) that somebody is a thief, your char could watch his/her moves. It is damn irritating to RUN AWAY from a thief, because EVERYONE knows that he is a thief and everybody SEES him/her stealing, but the skillcheck passes, so OFFICIALY noone can know that he is stealing...
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