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Author Topic: SG Thief build?  (Read 1479 times)

SG Thief build?
« on: August 25, 2011, 04:52:14 am »

Hello fonline community,

Just started playing again and find myself searching for builds for my noobie flatmates.

Im SG Crafter, lvl 14, 3k to 15 and think an SG Thief would compliment my sniper rather well. He goes in theiving and if they get all uppity, I pop em in the eyes an legs. Bish bosh boom. He bursts em n legs it to finish to job, an were laughing, or something like that. Well sorta make it up as we go along.

So yea, tips for a noobie build to compliment a lvl 14 sniper?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 04:54:07 am by saito »
Re: SG Thief build?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 06:29:37 am »

Where exactly do you plan on stealing and if they get "uppity" shooting them? In protected towns you will be shot and murdered by the guards for doing that, in non protected towns you will be shot and murdered anyways.
Re: SG Thief build?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 06:43:25 am »

Will just see what happens you know. Been close to a year since I last played, Im open to ideas here. Was chilling in NCR and there was like no one there, is this game dead?
Re: SG Thief build?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 08:50:55 am »

The game is far from dead, but sometimes it may seem like it's empty. Other times it's too crowded (although it's never too crowded for a thief ;)

maybe you are looking for something like this?

It won't be as safe stealing without pickpocket... Perhaps you can mess around the SPECIAL to get enough agility to take pickpocket. Just up steal to 230 and take harmless. The rest is up to you.
Re: SG Thief build?
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 12:11:57 pm »

maybe you are looking for something like this?

There are better SG thief builds out there which don't require the skilled trait. There are builds for which skilled can be useful, but a thief isn't 1 of them. You need the thief perks and you need to take them as late as possible with exception of pickpocket.
You could keep SG at 151 and put the points in something else. I used outdoors for the remaining points. You could put them in lockpicking.
As far as perks go:
- Thief at level 11 after applying skill points
- Master Thief at 240 steal
- Harmless at 260 steal

There are more builds, play around with the SPECIAL.
The build above had 40 science which means you can craft gunpowder and metal parts which means you can craft your own ammo. Once your steal skill is high enough (220 or more) you can mine slaves instead of ores and minerals. Try SF or Klamath mine for that.
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