FOnline Development > 3D Development

Shaders and effects

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--- Quote from: Lexx on December 16, 2011, 04:21:18 pm ---If it's done via shaders, it is optional. Everyone can write and use their own shaders or no shaders at all, because it's client side.

--- End quote ---

And here comes question (cause I'm noob in this matter) - how to apply custom shaders?

friday, friday, fun, fun... posterization applied into game as hlsl shader :)

but need to be fixed more, and gamma should be set correctly..

simpliest wat to do that is add this code to 3D_SpecularMapping.fx and 3D_Default.fx to end of

--- Code: ---

--- End code ---

   function before line:

--- Code: ---
return output;

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---
float3 transformedColor = output.rgb; // by mistake I placed here

// set number of colors
float numberOfColors = 12;

// set gamma
float gamma = 0.5;

transformedColor = pow(transformedColor, gamma);
transformedColor = transformedColor * numberOfColors;
transformedColor = floor(transformedColor);
transformedColor = transformedColor / numberOfColors;
transformedColor = pow(transformedColor,1.0/gamma);
output.rgb = transformedColor;

--- End code ---

and now noise (it may be hard):


first successfull run with noise

nightvision fun :P

more work with shaders more fun :D

tomorrow I will place here fully functional and refactored code

Oh, that's great. Good work

What do you use for the noise? Bitmap? Noise function? Or you just calculate it for every pixel?

Posterization filter gets quite some nice low color image, kudos for that :d. (though it's not correct, because this would better be with a palette lookup, but that's just slow for realtime anyway so I guess this is good enough).


--- Code: --- float rand(float2 co)
return frac(sin(dot(co.xy ,float2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);

float noise(float2 co)
return rand(floor((co * 500.0) + (8.0*co)));

--- End code ---

that's noise :) it is multipled per color (r,g,b) in pixel shader

better posterisation than nothing, it works very similar and looks very similar to pallette cut

Luther Blissett:
This looks very promising! The texture on that coat could also be improved a little both tonally and in terms of the colour range (I made it, so I assume the comment won't offend anyone). It was made before the specular shaders were implemented, so includes a lot of "painted on" highlight and shadow, which is now a little too "old school" now we have the engine responding to lighting.

If the original .PSD file would be useful for your testing, I can send that along. Otherwise, feel free to redo / improve the texture as necessary :)


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