Author Topic: Ghouls.  (Read 29290 times)

Offline Karpov

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Re: Ghouls.
« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2011, 08:17:30 pm »
With this tool, is it possible to bake a normal map for the character model musculature?

Re: Ghouls.
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2011, 08:55:42 pm »

i've found example: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
no Wez no fun...
everyday my english loose 1point :/

Re: Ghouls.
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2012, 07:38:14 am »
It's just a game, and ghouls are just fiction. I doubt anyone would survive like that, and even if they did, how possibly it'd ever extend their lifespan.
Well it's a job for developers to set up this kind of stuff and decide what will do. But I personally would suggest to study Necropolis as much as possible, for it is done by the very original crew, and it is where the idea of them appeared in it's first and purest form.
If you like the idea of them having timespan of several hundred years, being generaly good mechanics and snipers, no problem.

And well, ghouls would probably in this incairnation benefit from power armors the best, if they ever happen to have access to them. Their technical knowledge would allow them to maintain them, their radiance immunity would make those operations much easier, and mainly, equipping powered armor would allow them to reqain much of their lost mobility. Like becomming kind of cyborgs or something.

Pretty sure the reason given that ghouls can't operate power armour is their limbs would get ripped apart by the hydraulic controls.