Other > General Game Discussion

Today's NCR explosion

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--- Quote from: Parowooz on April 14, 2010, 12:09:53 am ---You remember when you tried to persuade me that whole NCR exploded because someone planted few bombs too many? Even thought you can't you put bombs on the ground, heh.

Totally not abuse.

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Give me, any of the other Devs, any GM or any IRC op shit and you will simply be removed. We don't give up our free time to have to deal with idiots.

Don't like it? Don't play.

Sure I don't like it when you turn me into egg so I can't play ;-;

im sure devs should have ~deletehim command somewhere there, use it, and while at rage, use it with devotion tracking and guile, and in the end nothing of value would be lost.

And mieso.... get some balls... oh wait :D


--- Quote from: GrantMills on April 14, 2010, 12:52:52 am ---I didnt mean the scorpions tailbot -.-..

It could be that players have aimbot...

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Yeah it is possible, it's an aimbot that rapidly aimes at the eyes. which gives people using it a far quicker time to react.


--- Quote from: lzual on April 15, 2010, 05:10:11 am ---First of many mass bombings too come :)

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yeah, first and last ip-ban u will have, bye :)


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